Aphorisms on Sorcery Item in Teraneum | World Anvil

Aphorisms on Sorcery

The Aphorisms on Sorcery, authored around 2043 MC by Archbishop Gautbert of Bavers, is a compact yet influential book that gained significant popularity within religious and scholarly circles in the western Kingdoms. This text is notable for its strong stance against magic, depicting it as a malevolent force that facilitates the invasion and corruption of our world by the Slanderer and his subjects, ultimately leading to humanity's damnation.   In its final chapter, the book provides a list of 84 aphorisms specifically targeting various schools of magic and several magical practices, which Archbishop Gautbert categorizes as demonic. These include incantations related to transmutation, telekinetic sorcery, healing magic, as well as minor illusion spells that are used for erotic or theatrical purposes.   The impact of this book was profound, leading to the formation of a following known as the "Gautbertans." This group included western nobles, scholars, and clergy who viewed the arcane arts as heretical and aligned themselves with Gautbert's teachings. The book's content sparked heated religious debates and disagreements, ultimately contributing to the division within Orosism that resulted in the Orosian Schism of 2268 MC. While the Septan sect of Orosism considers the Aphorisms on Sorcery a fundamental part of its beliefs, the eastern sect of the religion rejects it as a false text. Nevertheless, the influence of this book continues to shape people's beliefs and perceptions regarding the arcane arts to this day.


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