The Dalian Monarchy Organization in Teralt | World Anvil
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The Dalian Monarchy

Initially established after Castor overthrew the sitting Dalian Empress and instituted Vernicia I as Queen of Dalia, the City of Defiance. The other cities within the previous empire seized this opportunity to break away, becoming their own city states.   After the Change, Vernicia I became the first High Queen of the Nak'Shyr, as it was her foresight and wisdom despite her rivals' opposition that allowed the Nak'Shyr to escape the change. The Dalian Monarchy then became the leading government over the other Nak'Shyr city states.

In Unity, for Parity

Government, Leadership
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by DALL-E


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