Skinseeker Species in Teralt | World Anvil
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Skinseekers are creatures given life by the Traveling Parent to cull the herd of the undesirables. They prey on the weak, sucking the skin cleanly from the meat it's attached to, consuming the flesh of those living, dying, and dead. Their appearance is that of a large bat, however instead of fur and bat skin, the Skinseekers are covered in pale humanlike flesh. And where a bat's face might be is instead a warped human skull, with the skin pulled tight over it, no cartilage or facial features present. Beady black eyes, and sharp pointy teeth. They are known as Deathwish Birds or Prayer Birds in certain areas, because those that seek them out have a death wish, and when they are pulling the skin from the body, the victim prays for death.

Cover image: by DALL-E


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