Whenwinds Myth in Tense River Basin | World Anvil


The Whenwinds are an unending storm that surrounds and covers the Tense River Basin. The winds are violent, gusting with hurricane force, but unlike a hurricane, with an eye and rotation, these winds are chaotic, criss crossing every which way with dark clouds and rending crosswinds that can tear even wood or stone asunder.
Those who are lucky enough to somehow navigate the storm are still lost... or so the stories tell. Passing through the Whenwinds is like visiting the Bermuda Triangle, or a bathroom at a house party. Time just works differently there.
The residents of the Tense River Basin don't see this storm, from the inside their home is like a snowglobe, with skies above that seem untouched by the storm. But trying to pass through reveals the storm and risks losing your life.
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