Welcome to Mopo’Boys and Mo’ Prose in Tense River Basin | World Anvil

Welcome to Mopo’Boys and Mo’

You've made a strong decision, starting your day with a second breakfast at Mopo’Boys and Mo’ as you walk up the wooden staircase out front to an open deck you find townspeople have a fun time already. Perhaps it is the nature of the holiday that people have already begun to celebrate, but something about the way the heat rolls out of the front door tells you this place never stops. Things are densely packed inside, and the energy is palpable. You don't get too far inside the door before one of the people working the floor comes up to you and asks you if you know what you want, they'll bring it right out. But after a moment or two they slip you a menu and turn on their way promising they'll be back to help you in just a moment.  

Mopo'Boys and Menu

The paper these are printed on is thick, and the lettering has a silver gilding to it that makes them feel valuable. Its only a few pages long, and has a nice ribbon bookmark to help you find your ideal meal.

Dish or DrinkPrice (in gp)Notes
Bowl of Party Jambalaya2gpDistinctly spicy, bubbling red and with a distinct creole vibe
Basin of Party Jambalaya8gpAs the bowl, but enough for two tables at least
Grandma's Creole Jambalaya35gpServed with cornbread, has magical effects
Dragonvein Vodka5gpBurns on the way down, but emboldens you for the whole night
Dire Shrimp Po’Boy10gpAdvantage on Perception checks for one hour after eating
Cloudberry Daiquiri12gpCurrently out of season
  You have a chance to look around the place. There is a long bar that is littered with patrons, some of whom you can assume have been here all night. While it is mostly Humans, there are halflings, a scant number of Meudonian Elves, two Featherbeard Dwarves, and a singular gnome that seems to be drawing quite a bit of attention. He is an older gentleman, not much more than about 3’ in height and he is sprinting around the rooms, he moves like there is nothing holding him back.   By making a DC 14 Perception check, you will notice that he is actually passing through some of the furniture in the otherwise difficult to traverse areas. His body clipping right through them as though they aren’t even there. But there are people sitting or moving into those seats, so they are quite solidly real.   This is Mnuxim Mopo , the owner and namesake of Mopo’Boys. As he moves around the busy restaurant floor, he steals a drink off of a server’s tray and takes it over to a lovely Meudonian woman who was obviously talking with her date. But Mnuxim slides right over and holds up the drink for her, floating off the ground in the process as it holds it out to her.   “This is made with Dragonvein Vodka, you know I’m told that it has a fiery taste going down, but a powerful and enduring feel afterward, like you could take on the world! Have it, free of charge” He offers with a smile, but pulls it back just as her fingertips start to reach for it. “One thing I must ask in exchange, no money or trade of material goods. Just, two lines of poetry about the drink.” He raises an eyebrow to her, an invitation and a challenge.   But this elf looks like she is no stranger to Mopo’s trade. “I’d have to try it first to really tell you what I think wouldn’t I?” She smiles and takes the glass from the floating gnome and swiftly takes a sip. She swishes it, mulling over the way it burns her tongue and brings out the vibrancy of the other flavors. Mopo leans close, interested in seeing her every expression as she tastes it and considers its flavor.   The woman closes her eyes for a moment to feel the liquid burn warmly as she drinks it. A smile curling up one side of her face. Her freckles seem to catch the light in the room and sparkle. As she opens her eyes and turns her head to Mopo the constellation of her freckles becomes clear.   If you have proficiency in Navigator’s Tools, you can make a DC 15 check using Intelligence as your stat. If you do not have proficiency then you make a straight intelligence check at disadvantage. If you pass the check, you can recognize the pattern of stars across her face as the Fighting Boar, a constellation sometimes seen in the north sky, but as spring starts it will be hidden behind the mountains to the north sooner and sooner every night until it is gone for a few months at the height of summer. Because each Meudonian Elf has one and only one correlating constellation, and no two elves share the same star pattern, you are certain that this must be Enya Thistlepass. She is well known storyteller. Who better to ask a poem of?   Enya looks down to Mopo, takes a last breath and looks him straight in the eyes with a confident swagger. Her shoulders move easily as she begins to tell Mopo what she thought of the drink. “A vessel so humble reveals the flame. The breath of a dragon is mine to claim. As sharp as it tastes, no flavors it wastes. Now coursing with power that knows no shame.”   The patrons around her give a loud cheer and applause. Mopo nods to her and lets her keep the drink, though one can’t imagine someone as jovial and generous as he seems to be taking it back. “Maybe I can put that in the menu” He climbs up onto the table, flashes a smile to Enya and turns, seeing the newcomers wandering around. He spots You.   Swiftly this man traverses the bar, and seems to duck behind it, or possibly through it. He seems to vanish from sight only to appear right in front of you bearing gifts. Depending on what you are carrying with you, he reacts differently.   Currently in your inventory do you have a:   Provenancian Go Bag