The Decrept Organization in Tense River Basin | World Anvil

The Decrept

The undead who rise throughout the basin are referred to collectively as the Decrept. They are considered to be a mindless nuisance in most settlements, although an occasional danger along the roads. Although the Decrept do not appear to have any form of organization, they will work together when they encounter one another. When they meet, they collect together and tend to travel in herds.


The Decrept slowly, but constantly rise from the shallow and forgotten graves of the people who have lived in the river basin. It is as though the land itself is pained, and the spirits cannot be laid to rest. There does not appear to be any leadership, but some intelligent Decrept have been known to organize.

A long time ago, the Decrept were wielded by a single leader. A lich, who was slain to end the last great war.
Founding Date
The first of the Decrept were encountered 1700 years ago.
Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe