Purging Flame Tradition / Ritual in Tense River Basin | World Anvil

Purging Flame

It is a time honored tradition to perform exorcism by fire within the Pinion Dominion.

The specifics of the actual ritual are lost, but that has not stopped some people from continuing the practice.


During the time of the previous war, exorcisms were regularly necessary. When the flames summoned came through the phoenix, they would not harm the afflicted, and only chase the demons and ghastly influences away. But only someone who has been judged by the phoenix is capable of performing the full ritual. Unfortunately, the phoenix has been dormant.

Now, when the 'ritual' is performed it is an excuse for execution by the flame. An attempt to burn the sin out of the sinner as though it were a mercy.


Tradition is that three people must perform the exorcism.


Exorcisms are always done at night. Spirits must be purged when they are at their strongest, otherwise they might claw their way in deeper.
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