Enormoose Mating Season Tradition / Ritual in Tense River Basin | World Anvil

Enormoose Mating Season

Enormoose must come from somewhere? And they have the particular habit of only being capable of making new baby enormoose when they are in a very specific place, far to the south. The problem is, to get there they must cross south from near Carcassonne, all the way to an undisclosed Enormoose Spawning Storm.

The Enormoose swarm and travel as though they are a flock of birds, migrating. And worse, they are all REALLY excited to get where they are going.... they won't let anything or anyone stand in their way. It is best to stay out of the path of the mating season migration... but it isn't always possible. The paths they take change every year. Some places they'll almost always show up, others only once in a hundred years.


Few understand the libido of the Enormoose. And exceedingly fewer want to understand it. There seems to be a method to how they select when to do it, but no one has yet figured it out. It is most often during the winter. The Enormoose are known to bring the cold with them. But every once in a while, its Mating Season in July. And the Enormoose head south for an unexpected party. No one dares follow them, the exact rituals are a mystery.
These locations have been involved in Enormoose Mating Seasons in the past.

Frozen River