Oggy White-Eyes Character in Tennim | World Anvil

Oggy White-Eyes

"Emperor" Odgrub Agorsson of Pissbottom, the First of His Name

"Oggy White-Eyes"
was a pretender emperor during the Iceblade Fracture. His mother, Estela, a whore from The Silkhouse of "Pissbottom" in the Underhaven. He was told to be a bastard of the Emperor Agor II and was declared Emperor of Underhaven and Pissbottom by Estela and her lover Bessie, when he was only 5 years old. Later in life during the Iceblade Fracture was a leader of the Bastard Boys and later swore his forces to Daegen II. After the war Oggy became the friend of Daegen II, and later became the Hand of his Emperor, for 11 days during The Moon of the Dancing Bears.
Oggy White-Eyes
Oggy of Pissbottom
Emperor Oggy
Oggy Whoresson
Odgrub the Bastard
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Emperor of Pissbottom
Hand of the Emperor 214 (11 Days)
205 AGW 287 AGW 82 years old
Parents (Adopting)


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