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Teritarus of the Mersius

Eyes: blue   Skin: olive   Hair: short brown hair   Given Name: Teritarus   Family Name: Mersius   Personal History: Teritarus of the Mersius was born in Vosepi to a family among the masses of urban poor. His father worked as a day laborer and his mother collected urine and worked for a launderer. To make ends meet, Teritarius turned to crime. He cut purses and extorted money from businesses in the name of crime bosses. One of them was called * the Red, called such because of his gruesome reputation. The man suspected Teritarus siphoned coins away from his dues. Thus, the criminal ordered his family killed to make an example of him. Teritarus returned to his parent’s apartment to find them beheaded and their bodies strung up on meat hooks. With little time to mourn, he fled, not wanting to lose his life. He plotted his revenge and made friends with assassins. First, he killed the Red’s associates, then the Red himself. His vengeance complete, he found himself without a purpose. A corrupt member of the city council then hired him to track down and murder the Vosepi Slitter. Thereafter, Teritarius dedicated most of his time to the task. He searched for contacts tirelessly, bribed, threatened, and killed to locate the elusive thief and murderer. When he discovered the Slitter’s connection to the Red and his parents’ deaths, he doubled down on his search.   Education: Much like the Vosepi Slitter, much of his education took place in the streets. He learned the skills essential to thieving, including sneaking, running, dexterity, communication skills, among others.   Mental Trauma: The loss of his parents damaged his psyche and inspired his unceasing quest for revenge.   Morality: He had fewer morals than the Slitter, killing anyone who stood in the way of revenge.   Sexuality: He was mostly known to lay with women, but often enjoyed men as well.   Known Languages: He spoke Venian fluently, but knew useful phrases in several other languages. Biological Sex: male

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