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Manpower: Five hundred men guarded Venia’s Triarches and all public servants at any time.     Equipment: The Feneres carried the standard issue shield of the Legions. They wore little armor.   Weaponry: Beside a sword sword, every man carried a long staff. These were beaten on the ground to announce the presence of an approaching Triarch. The staves also provided an excellent means of crowd control.   Vehicles: An occasional Fenerus rode a horse or in the back of a chariot, but these men mostly marched on foot.   Command Structure: To distance them from the army as much as possible, many Triarches over the years implemented hierarchies unique to the Feneres. One way this was done was dividing the men into different-sized units. For example, twelve men guarded the Triarches.   Tactics: Marching in columns three men wide in the streets, they largely used intimidation to prevent conflicts and deter assassination attempts. Training: When not on guard duty, the men trained daily, practicing with the sword and staff to be as dangerous as possible. They practiced with wooden swords and shields heavier than the actual weapons to maintain their strength.   Logistical Support: The Feneres slept in private barracks and was supported by numerous suppliers to ensure they had what they needed.    Recruitment: Originally, the Feneres were regular citizens who were tall and created an imposing presence. Later, the prestigious unit derived its members from army veterans.   History: The Feneres - according to legend - were founded by Ceralus as a bodyguard to himself and his three sons. They chose the most powerful men to serve in the guard’s ranks. Thirty-six men were handpicked by Ceralus himself, twelve for each of his sons.   Historical Loyalties: First, the Feneres were loyal to the monarchs. After the collapse of the monarchy, they switched loyalties to the Triarches. There have been several instances of individuals betraying the men they were supposed to protect. Overall, on the other hand, the guards remained loyal to the men and women who ruled Venia.

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