The Great Veil Physical / Metaphysical Law in Teneberilla | World Anvil

The Great Veil

The Great Veil is an illusion created about 1.5k years ago by a series of 100 witches all working together to protect the world. All magic was protected and effected by this. The witches created a massive spell circle and sacrificed their lives so that the normal people of the world wouldn't interfere with the metaphysical.   The effects of the spell are subtle, but unavoidable and very powerful. Non-magic people are affected by the spell as if everything magic is not important. Their minds simply...dump that they heard it. They don't register magic shenanigans as important unless it's a danger to their life, and even after that it sort of just...doesn't pay attention to it. If asked about it directly, they may answer, but not unless they have to and they will immediately forget afterwords.   Those who are a part of the underworld are unaffected by this, but are affected by another part of the spell, which makes them just sort of unwilling to bring up their weirdness to those who are not already privy to it.   In short, it's a subtle mind manipulation spell the whole world is under that helps humans not have to deal with the horrors of magic or the things beyond the veil.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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