A Rhadanthium Dagger, "Erixiphos" Item in Tellus | World Anvil

A Rhadanthium Dagger, "Erixiphos"

The Rhadanthium dagger known as "Erixiphos" is about as long as a forearm. The blade itself is about a hand in length, from wrist to fingertip. It is oily, iridescent black in color. As it is made from Rhadanthium, the entire weapon woud be this color, but the hilt has been padded with a black leather grip, and adorned with sunstones.   Like any Rhadanthium blade, its edge never needs to be sharpened, and it cuts through anything without resistance or friction.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Location
Current Holder
Erixiphos is the only known Rhadanthium dagger in existence.

Cover image: by Artie Navarre


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