The Necrodruid

Necrodruid Galbrok Blackwill Seventree (a.k.a. The Necrodruid)

Once a peaceable and happy druid of the Western Circle, Galbrok had been fascinated by the darker and forbidden arts since he was a child. He had always felt as if this singled him amongst the other druids his age, as they often wouldn't let him play their druidic games. He was ridiculed for having red hair, and he was called vile names, and beaten up quite often. It was later, after he had become a man full-grown, that he discovered his talent...for Entropy! It was a thing not taught in the druidic circles for years, and his secret began to fuel his efforts to gain power. He set up a teleportation circle from the nearby forest, to Greendell a few hundred miles east, over the mountains.

  He had discovered a trail through the mountains that would have greatly increased the availability of mercantiles and art to the Western Circle, but kept it to himself. He often wandered the remote trails throughout the foothills, brooding on his eventual revenge. That was how he discovered Greendell. It was perfect for his machinations; unknown, and hard to reach without sailing around a massive headland to a small inlet, and even then it would be a full day's march to Greendell. Slowly, Greendell began to change as Galbrok encouraged its native entropy to disregard the Gods' balance between birth and death, and recombination of core components.

  Entropy, with its seemingly conscious sense of humor, slowly changed Galbrok into a creature of living vines, and growing ivy. The more Galbrok effected change, the more and more dependent he, himself, became to clean, running water. He requires sunlight after a period of time; gentle rains upon his face at others. He has survived decades worth of hurricanes and blizzards seemingly sent just for him. His suppressed rage and feelings of isolation and rejection spurred him on, however, and after a time, the entire vale was his.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mostly alive.

Body Features

Tightly wound corded sinews are exposed, and are obviously animating his body as he moves. Braided ivy stretches from heel to knee through a tangle of vines he uses as a calf muscle, and this biological mechanism is repeated hundreds...thousands...of times.

Facial Features

His eyes are orbs of translucent leaves, lubricated by the capillary network throughout the leaves' structure. His eyelids are smooth birch bark within a smooth poplar face. His nose is more birch. He has no visible mouth.

Identifying Characteristics


Physical quirks

He's a walking microbiome.

Special abilities

Eject Spores, multiple attack (3), spellcaster, lair actions, legendary actions

Apparel & Accessories

His head is an alchemy jug that he can use at will; he wears no clothing but has nothing to hide; he carries a Staff of the Woodlands.

Specialized Equipment

He has a bag of woven ivy that he wears at his waist. The bag is a deceased Night Hag's soul bag.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gardok's personal history is one of growing up bullied, and is determined to take revenge upon the druid circles.

Gender Identity



He is spore-sexual


Educated by the finest in druidic education.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Created a demi plane, within a plane, to foster the growth of entropy.

Failures & Embarrassments

He now needs to find beauty and clean water to rejuvenate himself, after either a few years, or being injured in combat.

Mental Trauma

His fragile ego snapped long ago

Intellectual Characteristics

Quite intelligent, but very pessimistic.

Morality & Philosophy

Entropy entertains no morality; he is true nuetral.


Lying. Entropy is truth. Usually.

Personality Characteristics


Revenge, at first. Now, just to survive.

Virtues & Personality perks

He will not harm children.

Vices & Personality flaws

He enjoys the panic and fear on the faces of those few who wander into the vale by accident.

Personality Quirks

He speaks with a limited form of telepathy.


Flawless, or he starts to rot.


Contacts & Relations

He has hired a small mercenary band of Orc thugs to do his bidding in the wider world. They hardly ever go to the Vale.

Family Ties

He severed all family ties long ago.

Religious Views

He believe 'worshipping' anything is in vain, as Entropy will only change it, and everything else, eventually.

Social Aptitude

He sees anyone other than his orc mercenaries as possible food for his Vale.


Talks telepathically, but still in a jerky manner interrupted by nervous almost-giggles.

Hobbies & Pets

His pet familiar changes with each new moon.



Wealth & Financial state

He has hoarded enough gold and silver to purchase Stilton-Head, but it is only the gemstones he is worried about.
True Nuetral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Necrodruid; boss-man by his orc thugs.
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
5220 NG 356 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Into a loving home, but taken for education after showing sparks of magic in his blood.
Eastern Pax, in what is now Feynor
Current Residence
Orbs, made up of translucent leaves that lubricate themselves via the capillary network throughout their intricate structure.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark brown
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Druidic


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