Session 11: Report Report in Tellus | World Anvil

Session 11: Report

General Summary

With the much appreciated addition of the sizable Kasimir Volkov, our heroes stumbles across the fabled Terrapin Isle. Making fast friends amongst the children of a village built close to the edge of the island, the party discovered the existence of a witch, or hag, of some sort that was killing children and dfriving innocent people from their homes. They deigned to explore after a very democratic process was thorughly explored, and roused themselves to investigate. As they moved inland, they came across the abandoned village of grass huts to the north, and discovered a bunch of meenlocks trying to make a nest in the newly abandoned space; meaning they must have been driven out of their old space in the mountains.
  Having dispatched the meenlocks, our heroes set their sights inland...towards, perhaps, a mean, nasty, ugly little hag.
Terrapin Isle
A tiny, lonesome little island...with a big, giant secret!

Rewards Granted

6' strand of polished shell called wampum.
Terrapin Isle: Typical Village
A typical Terrapiner township of grass huts, arranged around the difficult landscape of their tropical homeland. The buildings are all on stilts, to accomodate the oft-flooded regions of the island, with the doorways generally landing on higher ground. Stairs and scaffolding help improve mobility throughout the hilly village.
Report Date
14 Aug 2023
Primary Location


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