Siminid Humans Species in Telluria | World Anvil

Siminid Humans

[Fear Cliste Siminis]

Siminids are a human species of cosmopolitan distribution, inhabiting most of the world. They are by far the most populous of the three human species on Telluria, representing approximately 78% of the total population of the planet, and occupying over 90% of its land area.

Basic Information


The siminid body is humanoid, consisting of a torso or trunk encompassing the thorax and abdomen, two legs and feet, two arms and hands, a neck and a head. The most commonly defined physiological systems in siminids are the nervous, the cardiovascular, the circulatory, the digestive, the endocrine, the immune, the integumentary, the lymphatic, the musculoskeletal, the reproductive, the respiratory, and the urinary systems.

Like all humans, siminids are bipedal, have opposable thumbs, have multiple blood type systems, lack an external tail and are sexually dimorphic. The average height of an adult male siminid is estimated to be 1.83 yds. while the average height of an adult female is estimated to be 1.72 yds. Historically, siminid populations are becoming taller, likely as a consequence of better nutrition, medical care and living conditions. The average mass of an adult siminid is 109 - 129 pds. for females and 169 - 189 pds. for males. As with many other physical conditions, weight and body type are influenced by genetic susceptibility and environmental circumstances, and vary greatly among individual siminids.

Siminids have the highest brain to body ratio of all the human species on Telluria, and a significantly more developed cerebral cortex. Some socio-anthropologists have argued that the mental abilities of siminids are superior to those of cynids and felids, resulting in more advanced technological development.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

The siminid face is unique to each individual, and is the primary means of social identification. Of varying shapes generally forming an oval, the siminid face consists of a prominent forehead below the hairline, bordered laterally by the temples, and above the eyebrows. A pair of eyes sit in recessed orbits below the brows, protected by eyelids and lashes. Centered between and below the eyes is the distinctive siminid nose shape with two nostrils separated by a nasal septum. Fleshy cheeks cover the maxillary bones and the jaw, which forms the chin, above which are the mouth and lips which, when parted, reveal the teeth.


Siminid Humans - Male (L), Female (R)
Scientific Name
Fear Cliste Siminis
male: 66.1 yrs. female: 70.4 yrs.
Average Height
male: 1.83 yds. female: 1.72 yds.
Average Weight
male: 169 - 189 pds. female 109 - 129 pds.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Siminids exhibit a wide variety of skin tones, from dark brown to pale white and likewise a similar range of hair colors. Typical eye colors are blue and brown, with green and gray occurring occasionally.

Image Credits:
The Author/


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