Crofin Sea Geographic Location in Telluria | World Anvil

Crofin Sea

The Crofin Sea (/ˈkrō fɪn sē/) is the largest and deepest inland body of water in the world. Although referred to as a “sea” due to its extraordinary size and elevated salinity,1 it is classified by geographers as the world’s largest lake.2 It is an exorheic lake consisting of two deep basins roughly bisected by a narrow north-south ridge, fed from the north by the Yixsa River watershed, and drained from the south by the Carman, Souzine and Sefne Rivers.

Situated in northeastern Heberia, the Crofin Sea lies southeast of the Heberian Steppe and north of the mountainous Carman Plateau. Its shoreline touches Noam to the southwest, Cathair Crofin to the west and north, Barakiel, Aswiarus and Choggishedra to the east and Shinar and Oblaria to the south. From west to east the great lake measures 1,365 wmi. wide. Its average north-south distance is approximately 1,000 wmi.

With a surface area of 785,835 sq. wmi and a water volume of approximately 143,000 cu. wmi., the Crofin Sea is by far the world's largest lake in both area and volume. The surface of the Crofin Sea is approximately 527 yds. above sea level, while the basaltic seabed in the western basin is 1,180 yds. below sea level, making the Crofin Sea the deepest lake in the world as well. Written accounts left by ancient inhabitants of its coast describe it as an ocean, due to its salinity and tremendous size.

The Crofin Sea and its shoreline are home to an extremely wide variety of flora and fauna. It is best known for its seven native species of stiurjíon, which have for centuries supported a lucrative caviar harvesting industry in coastal cities.


The word Crofin is most likely related to to the ancient Carofin people who inhabited the Kirym Peninsula on the north coast. Dorosofios of Heracla (died about 433 BCS) wrote that "to the country of the No'Am belongs also the land which is called Carofin, which was named after the Carofin tribe, as was the Sea, but that tribe has ceased to exist."3

Physical Characteristics:

The Crofin Sea is the largest inland body of water on the world and accounts for between 60 to 65% of total lake waters. Its 6,036 wmi. coastline is shared by Aswiarus, Barakiel, Cathair Crofin, Choggishedra, Noam, Oblaria and Shinar. The sea is divided into two distinct physical regions: Western Crofin and Eastern Crofin.
1 The Crofin Sea's salinity rate of of approximately 1.5% is about one third that of average seawater.
2 There is debate by some in the scientific community who argue the Crofin is a unique hybrid of sea and lake.
3 Istoría Kósmou ("History of the World").


The Crofin Sea.jpg

Map of the Crofin Sea

Location of the Crofin Sea in Heberia.jpg

Location of the Crofin Sea in Heberia

Northeastern Heberia
Ancient Lake, Exorheic,
Saline, Permanent, Natural
Primary Inflow:
Yixsa River
Primary Outflows:
Carman River, Sefne River, Souzine River
Surface Area:
785,834.64 sq. wmi.
Coastal Perimeter:
6,036.33 wmi.
Surface Elevation:
527.81 yds. above mean sea level
1,708.16 yds.
142,106.7 cu. yds.


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