Neverending forest Geographic Location in Telek'Mil | World Anvil
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Neverending forest

Wandering between the giant roots of the trees you gaze into the foliage above, the light refracting in the most hypnotic patterns, but suddenly there is a shadow, a flash of something travelling at enormous speeds through the treetops. Captured by this view you now see yourself amidst the forests of the plane of the gof of hunt, Decus , patron of elves and twin brother of Malitia .   The floor here is littered with little bushes, wild, untempered plants, dead plant material and the tracks of various animals.


While the geography in this plane is quite diverse, the only thing conistant is that there is one coherent forest covering every part of this plane of existance.

Fauna & Flora

As this is the plane of the god of hunt you will find every plant imaginable here, growing wildly and freely within the unlimited confines of his plane. It is an untold amount of animals and plants, but it is rumored that as long as a creature has lived within the woods it is present in this plane of existance, even so the animales secrificed to him directly.   Clerics seeking to summon beasts from this plane will have a wide variety of hunters and prey to choose from, all of them completely loyal, but of course they come with the risk of damaging nearby structures or confusing allies.
Alternative Name(s)
Hunting grounds of Decus

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