Malitia Character in Telek'Mil | World Anvil
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godess of hunt and blood

(a.k.a. Blinded Mistress, Vengeful Beauty, Crimson Lady, Blood Queen)

Malitia, the godess of hunt and blood. Often depicted as a blinded dark-elven huntress with raven-black hair, bloody tears and a jagged spear, she commands fear and respect in her subjects. Her tears are famous artifacts and some of her creations, like vampires are legendary creatures created to hunt the living. Revenge is one of her favorite offerings and she savors ever moment the life drains from the eyes of her sacrifices.   She is the ruthless, vengeful counterpart to Decus, the god of the Hunt.

Divine Domains

Hunt, Slavery, Blood

Holy Books & Codes

Torn Command, The Scarring

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A bat, A blindfold, Claws of cavedwelling creatures, two daggers, blood, bats

Tenets of Faith

Practice revenge to teach your enemies   Let your prey suffer everything they have done to you   Lure your prey into a false sense of security and finish your kill   An easy death is a disgrace for the competent hunter, finding and destroying what they held most dear, making them beg for relief is art   Choose your allies wisely


Bloodrise (Birth of the Pale King)
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Watching the life drain from the eyes of another is true beauty"   "A hidden dagger pierces the thickest of armors"
Ruled Locations

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