Dark-elves Species in Telek'Mil | World Anvil
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Hunters of men

As one would think, this subrace of elves is the subterranean equivalent to wood elves perfectly adapted to the harsh conditions. Mostly stuff of legend and nightmares for surface villagers, they have gotten this image by sending slavers during the day, through hidden passageways to gather new slaves. Also resulting of their religous stories and overall demeanor, dark-elves have gotten the nickname "hunter of men".

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Specific teenage dark elves will experience the growth of their left antlers, signifying their apparent royalty and as with their cousins, the bigger the antlers, the greater the respect recieved. These horns are usually adorned with black metals and bioluminescent dies.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

As long as there is a cave with animals to hunt in it, there is a chance, that you will find a dark elven settlement of any size.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Though dark elves suffer from quite deteriorated eyesight, especially sensitive to bright lightsources, their hearing and smell is extraordinary and able to beat their woodland cousins in any match.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Elven children are usually named after the person witnessing the birth of the child. But as it is fairly common for elven children to be twins the first child will recieve another prefix than the second to distiguish them from another. After that there is always the family name.       Prefix for first born: Ors-, Tur-, Ris-, Sar-,   Prefix for second twin: Kir-, Twis-, Lil-, Sar-, Vel-, Rim-, Ort-   There are no more Prefixes when there are triples, quadruples etc. The following children will recieve prefixes for the second child.   Common Middlenames: Isha, Korro, Sare, Feres, Fura, Libi, Enive, Wras, Grearos

Beauty Ideals

In dark elven society, though very unlikely to be having naturally, it is very sought after to have black hair, the blacker the better.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Dark elves openly and zealously despise and hate their woodland cousins and often seek for elven slaves to have a sense of sueriority.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Bipes Venandi Sapienta Noxis
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Darkelves in general are fairly pale and the skin colour sometimes even becomes some sort of grey. Dark-elven eyes seem to be glazed over, making them look as if they had been blinded. Whe agitated small bloodvessels can be seen creaping into the edge of their eye-white.

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