Nal Sylvra Geographic Location in Telek'Mil | World Anvil
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Nal Sylvra

As home of the Arvasal, or the left antler of the deity Decus, father of the Wood elves , this is the main religous focal point of wood elves in wich they commune and have claimed the hole continent for themselves. The topography of Nal Sylvra features an archipelago, savanna, jungles and various other forests, as well as w giant white desert. This is where the Bone elves reside, former exiles, they have established themselves in the harsh landscape of the bone dust wastes. Every wood elf charged with a serious crime gets exiled to this forsaken place to attone with their flesh. Something quite literal as they will most likely be seen as just another source of food.


The continent of Nal Sylvra features an archipelago called Stagstep archipelago, wich is most dominant in the north eastern part of the continent, while north of the archipelago is the halfisland, wich is home to the amber forest, wich houses the Arvasal, the lfet antler of Decus.   South of this is the main body of the continent wich features one major lake called Hylrenslate, while the midlle of it is littereed with various forests and plains, though there is also a fair share of mountains.   The southern part of Nal Sylvra is a white desert, a wasteland where criminal elves get banished to. It is a harsh environment and only the strongest may survive.

Fauna & Flora

Besides the divine tree Arvasal, the trees present on this island are very much varied, as is the wild- and plantlife. There are viscous hunters and titanic pieces of prey.   The only things not living on this island are those not accustomed to rather cold climates.
Alternative Name(s)
Four Ear island, Suul Ay Arvasal
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