Liyanor (NFP) Organization in Telandor | World Anvil
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Liyanor (NFP)

Nestled in the valley to the south of the sanguine wastes, is the home of the nation known as Liyanor. A landscape of lush grasslands and hills, deep forests and the occasional floating island makes up their territory, and the mountains surrounding the valley has historically offered them easily defensible vantage points.   Scholars have long been interested in Liyanor, and in particular their vast supplies of Etherium veins. It is thought that one of the larger veins emanating from the Etherheart passes right through their valley, giving rise to arcane wonders such as the ever burning Ember Groves and it's native Merendilisks, large fire breathing turtles.   The Liyanori are a kind and welcoming people, famous for their hospitality and cooking. In their strange and mysterious land, myths and legends hold as much sway as the arcane sciences do elsewhere.


Ancient Civilization ~4000 B.ED

The crescent valley is one of the oldest inhabited places in Oquix long preceding the foundation of Marquadhia. In the early years before the first mooncrescent, the valley was home to many different nomadic tribes and peoples and it is thought that the elves inhabited many of the areas as well, before they left. During this era, there where many wars across the continent, even in the valley itself, but as the roving tribes of Oscilvar became more aggressive, the tribes of the valley slowly started to band together.  

A nation poisoned ~3600 B.ED

As the unification of the valley began, and it's forces grew stronger, they managed to drive the roving tribes of Oscilvar back. During a major battle on the banks of the Drakhir riverbeds in eastern Liyanor, the Liyanori tribes managed to strike down one of the Oscilvarian leaders Rumak Thaln. This caused the Osilvarians to retaliate upon Liyanor by poisoning their livestock with an arcane plague known as Marvoethrir, and played a major part in the forming of the Liyanori culture. The plague spread from their livestock to their people, slowly rising through the hierarchies until nearly all the population was infested. As the nation, still newly formed and barely unified, was coming close to ruin, a decision was made. Legends spoke of the great mountain god who lived atop the floating island Wen'dariah, and it was decided that the nation must seek out this god to ask for help.  

The First Moon-Crescent ~3400 B.ED

Many tried, and many failed on the treacherous journey to the island. Scores of candidates were sent out, to no avail. It looked dire for the Liyanori, their nation weakened by famine and their hearts distraught by relentless death. Until one fateful day, when just about everyone had given up, the fist Mooncrescent returned from Wen'dariah(location), having been blessed by the moon herself. She had obtained mysterious powers to heal her peoples, and much of the Liyanori culture came from the philosophies that she taught. She went around the valley, meeting with all her subjects who declared her empress as she cleansed them from their sickness.  

The Ritual of Giving

To this day, the year long ritual is still enacted, where the present mooncrescent travels around the valley blessing her peoples. Even though the Marvoethrir is long cured, the ritual persists and a big part of it is the giving of food from both the empress herself and her subjects. A big part of Liyanori culture is based around giving freely to those in need, and it can be traced back to that first mooncrescent, who despite the dangers involved, put herself in harms way to save her peoples.

Demography and Population

The Liyanori region is populated quite densely, with many rural communities dotting the landscape as well as large sprawling towns and cities. About a third of the population lives in the large cities, while the rest are scattered across the landscape. The Liyanori are a very superstitious peoples, oftentimes preferring to interpret deaths as signs from the gods. As such there are no clear statistics of death rates in the more rural communities, but the land provides good living conditions and it is estimated that only about one eight of children die from disease and natural dangers.


Liyanor holds the entire Crescent Valley, up east along the Drakori river, as well as the bay of the Nightingale.


The Legions of the Crescent Moon

The primary military force of Liyanor, used to defend the country against invaders. These elite soldiers are chosen at birth based on the astrological significance of their births. They are trained from the age of four in the martial arts, and those who show a proclivity for the arcane arts receive further training.  

The Crescent Wardens

These are the personal bodyguards of the venerable empress. They are chosen through contest during their training in the Legion, and only the best are allowed to become Wardens. They must abandon their names to be given new ones, as well as prove themselves before becoming full wardens.

Technological Level


The Liyanori prefer to view medicine as an art rather than science, often prescribing spiritual remedies that include more than just the ingredients of the medicine itself. A Liyanori who has gotten ill might be prescribed ten days of solitary meditation in the mountains, living only on medicinal tea. The practitioners of medicine swear by this, stating that the the tea is only half of the cure. Despite this, medicinal brews and salves originating from Liyanor are amongst the most potent in the world, much to the chagrin of the more methodological scientists and healers in other areas.


The Teachings of the Crescent Moon has spawned the basic philosophy and spiritualism practiced in Liyanor. The people worship the venerable empress, as well as lesser deities of Growth.

Foreign Relations


Liyanor is on good terms with Marquadhia, since they have mutual interests in the Etherium that Liyanor produces and sells to Marquadhia.


There is a history of war between the Votrians and the Liyanor. The Votrians have invaded Liyanor on many occasions, though never succeeded in getting far. As such, the Liyanori harbor some animosity towards them.

Agriculture & Industry


The Liyanori are a predominately vegetarian people, producing mostly beans, rice and various fungi in their farmlands. About two thirds of the Liyanori land is arable, though not all of it is used. Rice and beans are produced mostly along the Revellian Riverbed running southwest from the mountains, while fungi are grown indoors and outdoors depending on the species.


Due to the high concentration of Etherium veins running through the crescent valley, multitudes of potent magical herbs and plants are native to the area. The Liyanori place great import in the effects of these herbs, and it's peoples are amongst the best herbalists in the entirety of Telandor.


Though the Liyanori themselves do not practice the arts of Ethercrafting, prefering instead to turn to the mystical arts, their lands hold among the largest reserves of it ever discovered. The Liyanori harvest the Etherium from the vast mines in the mountains, and export it to Marqadhia, only using a fraction of it for ornamentation.

Trade & Transport

The two imperial Highways leaving the capital at the bay of the Nightingale, provide Liyanor with two caravan routes that lead both east along the Drakori river, and north through the Sanguine wastes. Through these routes they ship goods to Marquadesh and east towards Oscilvar.


The Liyanori society is based upon the philosophy of mentorship. Individuals may find a master of a craft and petition to become their apprentice. There are also larger temples where masters teach groups of pupils, and age is often the common denominator of knowledge. Children learn the teachings of the Crescent Moon at a young age in monasteries funded by the empire, and are there guided towards finding their chosen profession. As such, the education level even in the more rural communities is above average. Worth noting is that the Liyanori value spiritualism and inner discipline far more than science, and place great weight on myths and legends. Because of this, outsiders often tend to view the Liyanori as less intelligent and superstitious, though this is not always the case. Instead, the Liyanori value a different kind of intelligence, one based more on intuition and empathy, rather than logic and deduction.


Temples of the Crescent Moon

These temples are dedicated to the philosophy of the Crescent moon, and serve as educational facilities and community hubs in the more rural communities. They are funded by the empire, and act as news outlets and adjudicators. In the urban areas, these temples are more secluded, often focusing on the spiritual arts and philosophy.  

Keeps and Strongholds

Various fortifications dot the landscape, often guarding the larger roads and entry points to the region. These keeps act as both training grounds for the Legion, and defensive fortifications to ward of invaders.  

Notable Landmarks

Visage Keep

This large keep, built atop a floating island overlooking the highway pass in the northeastern mountains of Liyanor, is the reason the Votrian invasions were never successful.
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Eternal Dynasty of the Crescent Moon
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Imperial Marks: Crescent Mark, Half-Crescent, Gale, Sparrow
Major Exports
  • Etherium
  • Ink and literature
  • Herbs and Alchemical Ingredients
  • Lumber
  • Pottery
Major Imports
  • Ores and Metal
  • Spices
  • Textile
Legislative Body
The Teachings of the Crescent Moon have been in place since the dawn of the Liyanori empire, stating that the good of the people must always come first, but the power to make those decisions must come from one reborn in the Crescent Pools
Judicial Body
The Venerable Empress Mooncrescent, and her retinue of advisers and scholars hold absolute power. Though petitions can be made by anyone, and are more often than not considered.
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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