
Their bodies serve as temple, tool and weapon: Most Monks shun heavy arms or restrictive armor in favor of an even more direct approach to battle, usually relying on exceptionally well-honed martial arts. While some might use stick, staff or sickle to dispatch those daring to disturb their search for spiritual fulfillment, completely unarmed melee combat is widely preferred among Monks. By the values internalized during their formative years in seclusive retreats, they commonly feel responsible for the weak; making a stand whenever injustice and oppression occur. Although intense training, gained wisdom or asceticism contribute to their abilities, Monks are more than 'just' skilled: It is their perfect unison with the elements, spiritual forces far beyond magic or even stimulating beverages that sets them apart from other fighters.  


KI Adept Void Dancer
Wrestler Air Dancer
Monkey King Lotus Monk
Drunken Boxer Dragon Monk
Water Dancer Monastery Leader
Flame Dancer Tatooist


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