Primer:Sommersdale Organization in Tavadira | World Anvil


An Introduction to Sommersdale

A shining empire with a proud royal family. The knights of Sommersdale are renowned for their chivalry and valor in battle. The finest of those knights are selected for the Kingswatch, the elite corps of the best of Sommersdale’s warriors given the task of defending her King. Unlike many royal bodyguards, the Kingswatch are given authority to act as sheriff anywhere in the Kingdom. The logic being that in order to ensure the safety of the king, they must also ensure the safety of the people. Although occasionally abused, this authority is rarely improperly exercised for more than petty personal vendettas or small gains. Nestled at the base of the Dreiwater Lakes, Sommersdale sees plenty of sea trade and extends this network from Voxtrtown all the way out to Zimbora . Sommersdale’s proud knights keep neighbor’s on friendly terms, with few daring to check her power in open combat. The city of Sommersdale itself is run by a council of chief priests, who answer directly to the Queen. This council is called the Convocation of the Exalted. Whenever a king or queen dies, the next one is chosen from a fixed rotation through the council. Although this is designed to preserve fairness and equality amongst the churches, it’s a known truth that some Kings have lived extremely short lives in comparison to their peers. To point this out would be preaching blasphemy or sowing heresy, but the fact remains that the Convocation is far from equal.  

Knights Ascendant

The plains east of Sommersdale hold some truly unique creatures. Large birds, exceptionally fast with strong jaws lined with razor sharp teeth. These impressive predators, called Raptors, are surprisingly intelligent, hunting in packs and using their sharp talons to rend the flesh of their prey, causing it to bleed itself out. Because of these dangerously powerful predators, Sommersdale Knights Ascendant will often use these feathers in the plumage on their helmets. It's common for these knights to also wear armor gilded with feathers or wing motifs. It’s common for Knightly houses to require an aspirant to slay one of these Raptors, and save the feathers for elaborate helm plumage decorations. It’s also common for a house to require a newly appointed leader to ride out and slay a Tyrant, which is a truly massive bird with jaws that can crush a horse and powerful legs that can stomp any man dead instantly.
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