Censor Profession in Taurua | World Anvil
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Board of Misconduct and Nobility Rank IV

"Look! One of 'em tattlepriests came to town. Who do you reckon they're here for?"
"Oh I sure hope the mayor, our household nearly starved last winter, despite all of the crops we hat gathered! I'll bet you that there's a reason for the mayor's bloated gut!"
With the hierarchical order of the society being largely built around the religion of the Founding Church and Pilarism, religion and politics are indifferentiable in most societies of Taurua. As part of this tight union, there are organisations and structures that reach both sectors during their work. One of these organisations if the Board of Misconduct and Nobility - A board of clerics and ministers that monitor that all of the strictures of Pillar are honored among those in power in the region.
1D:1 "Rulers are to trust their subordinates and in their cooperation, for only if the First Disc stands so does the entirety of the Pillar operate. Else it were to fall short and collapse. A wise ruler believes that those below him owe their loyalty to him, and only to him and no-one else."

Censors - The Lawkeepers

While censors are one of the lower ranking members of the Board of Misconduct and Nobility, they are the agents that qualify the long reach of the Board. Censors are the meny field-agents, who are deployed throughout different organisations, and sometimes even as high as courts to assure that Pillar's justice is done with true wisdom. Censors are hailed in equal measure as heroes, and as corrupt lawkeepers.
The latter comes largely from the distrust of the common folk in the Censors performing their jobs. Many times a politician, or a ruler that has seemed corrupt or awful and that has earned the distrust of their people is in the end deemed innocent in the eyes of the Board, who do not intervene in the conduct in which a region is ruled. However, this could be states as a misconception since it is the Censor's job only to observe, report and bring back their observations rather than make decisions regarding a ruling or the judging of the Board.
Alternative Names
Tattlepriests [mockery]
Administration / Management
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