Third Conglomerate War Military Conflict in Tau Ceti Sector | World Anvil
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Third Conglomerate War

I jus' wanna punch congo's in the face!
— PFC Kratos Royal Anagrais Marines, 3rd Corps, 6th Regiment, Delta Company, 4th Platoon, Bravo Squad, moments before his death

The Conflict


The Cold War

After the end of the Second Conglomerate War in 2984 it became very clear to both sides that the Sector was not big enough for the two large entities. A massive arms race began as either side was trying to build a large enough Navy and Army to overtake the other. Espionage Operations and sabotage, accusations of tech theft and extortion all mark this period as being very turbulent, with tensions ever rising to an inevitable conflict.

Skirmish at Tenya

  A few weeks before the Anagrais Incident, Conglomarate Worlds Strike Carrier was attacked while guarding a convoy of freighters. The Anagrais Royal Armed Forces claims it's own Strike Carrier suspected the freighters were loaded with weapons of mass destruction, and not carrying their cargo. The Skirmish was indecisive, but the convoy decided to turn back after losing a freighter (In a much larger than anticipated explosion). This incident is often considered the first shots of the war.  

The Anagrais Incident

Freighters registered to the Conglomerate World's passed a customs check, and on their decent to Anagrais prime instead headed towards major political and military targets. Of the four freighters only one impacted on the Anagrais Royal Armed Forces Headquarters, blowing off a Nuclear device, however the blast was contained by the Quantum ECM devices and the damage was minimal. The Conglomerate Worlds denied any involvement in the incident, and attempted to argue that, due to the skirmish a few weeks earlier such a ploy was unlikely to work and the weapon of choice against the defended institutions were unwise. They cited anti-Conglomerate radicals in the Anagrais Stellar Kingdom as likely perpetrators. Many in the Kingdom were willing to accept this answer as to avoid the conflict for as long as possible. However House Jorg had other plans.

The Jorg Retaliation

Two weeks after the Anagrais Incident, the minimum time it would take to travel after word had been received, a large strike fleet arrived at Pen System. The rushed Conglomerate defense was quickly beaten and the interplanetary infrastructure was destroyed. House Jorg cruisers then began an apocalyptic bombardment on the populace before leaving, after a larger Conglomarate Worlds fleet arrived. The Anagrais Royal Armed Forces claimed no knowledge of the operation, but had to publicly stand by it for the public outrage had reached a boiling point.

War is Declared!

Days after the Jorg Retaliation, war was officially declared, and the fighting erupted all along the border. The Sector would never be the same...


A long line of systems that border the ASK and the CW have been the site of constant battles and skirmishes, changing hands from one another for decades. However a recent offensive has left the CW holding more ASK territory than ever before, and are winning more and more victories where they count. War Crimes is beginning to become a word that only applied to past figures, or fighters of the other side, as atrocities become more and more common.


The war has become a long war of attrition with each side hoping to break the other totally. Fleets and armies are moved into horrible conditions to fight pitched battles constantly, attempting to wear down the vast resources of either side. Though the war has been raging for over fifty years, no more than a handful of systems at anytime have been conquered.   In the last decade the The Acquistions Department  has won victory after victory, regaining all of the territory lost in the first forty years of the conflict, and has taken 4 valuable systems away from House De Denaar. Their attacks have been focused at weakening the House they view as most critical to maintaining the pressure of the Kingdom's offensives. The Anagrais Royal Armed Forces  have won small victories, but have focused on delaying actions and counter offensives to try and strike at worlds recently under Conglomerate control.
Conflict Type
Start Date
3049 CE


Conglomarate Worlds


Very Strong, despite heavy losses
Very Strong, despite very heavy losses


~22 Billion
~27 Billion


Destroy or subjugate the Conglomerate Worlds
Destroy and dismantle the Angrais Stellar Kingdom

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