The Acquistions Department Organization in Tau Ceti Sector | World Anvil
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The Acquistions Department


The military arm of the Conglomarate Worlds, it is overseen by the main corporation, to disallow any subsidiary corporations from gaining too much power and attempting a military coup. At the top is a council of CEO's who direct the major corporate bureaucracy, and make some overarching strategic decisions. Every rank of the Acquisitions Department relates exactly to a ranks in the civilian sector, often times people working jobs doing something unrelated will find a transfer to the Acquisitions Department, similar to a draft. This however often gives them experienced officers, and many try to transfer out back to the civilian sector.
The Acquisitions Department has three major branches, the Space Acquisitions Sub-Department, the Ground Acquisitions Sub-Department, and finally the Acquisitions Defense Sub-Department. The Space and Ground departments hold a majority of the funding and tend to receive the most competent executives to lead. After almost a half century of conflict however, most of the competent officers live short lives.

Public Agenda

In charge of all military operations in the Conglomerate Words, the main goal of the Department is to defeat the ASK, and look to neighboring sectors to subjugate...


Billions of troops, Thousands of Major Capital Ships, millions of bases and fortresses.


The acquisitions department has gone through many changes since the First Conglomerate War, gaining more power and funding from the central Government. The ability for the CW to mass produce ships and weapons have given them an edge in terms of sheer numbers during the Third War. Also unlike the ASK, the Acquisitions Department is more unified, rather than five separate houses each with their own forces and organization.

"To enable the freedom to make profit across the Sector..."

Military, Armed Forces
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations

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