Jut Character in Taru(Tah-Rue) | World Anvil
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The Middle Finger Jut (a.k.a. The Salt Blade)

Walking through the alleyways of The Wallows, you hear the plopping of feet somewhere nearby. But what's odd is that it sounds like they're coming from the roof. You try to ignore it. Surely it must just be your mind playing tricks on you. Continuing through the tightly packed pathway, you hear a clank, and then the sounds of a cup being emptied. Looking to investigate, you see a small blur disappear into a corresponding alleyway, and the corpse of some poor sod lying on the ground

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Jut is a short, lean little goblin. He's lucky to have very few physical issues, not having any problems with his body that could betray who he is when walking around.

Special abilities

After Shade-Paw prayed to Izpyltia, and performed the ritual of rights upon Jut, he was bestowed the gift of The Middle Finger. This boon is "Divine Puncture", which allows whoever holds the title of The Middle Finger to land a truly devastating blow against their opponent, acting as whatever they're weakest to. This usually kills the target, but a few odd exceptions exist

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A middle aged goblin raised in The Queens Embrace of Hailsoshia, Jut had a rough and mostly shore faring life, working with the harbormaster alongside his brother, Marit. As the years went by slowly, Jut became jaded to the laws, innerworkings and backwards rules that were applied to anyone who was weaker than the common human. Goblins weren’t respected, and with every ship that came in, the violence done against Jut and his kin were allowed to happen because they weren’t strong enough to stop it themselves. The only one who would help them are the odd Sea Warriors who respected the hard work that goblins put forth. A dark elf named Higa would often stand up for Jut and his brother, even teaching Jut how to fight so he could stick up for himself.

As time went on, the former harbormaster died of disease, and Juts brother, Marit became the new harbormaster. But that only caused the discrimination towards his brother, perpetrated by sailors coming in, to worsen. One day, Jut had had enough and decided to make sure that all who came into The Queens Embrace knew his name. When one of the goliath captains began to harass Marit, Jut snuck up behind him with a long rusted nail and jabbed it into the back of the scumbags neck. Bursting through to the other side, the goliath died quickly.

But then the guards came quickly when the screams arose. Brandishing their mauls, Jut knew that they meant to take him in or kill him. He couldn’t understand why. He had shown his strength, just as the kingdom wanted, so why was he seen as a criminal? “They must hate the weak, even if they become strong”, he thought. So he ran. He ran until no more guards pursued him, and then in the night he crept back to The Queens Embrace.

He was going to sneak into his home and say goodbye to his brother, but as he crept closer to the building, he was suddenly stopped by a cloaked figure who’s face was hidden, and crept close to the ground. The man introduced himself as Tanaka Hanzo, and said that he’d watched the goblin for years, and although he was saddened by his sudden homicidal act, he was impressed by how easily he snuck up upon the man and slew him. The man said that they were looking for someone to replace their old acquaintance in The Crushed Hand, and said that Juts skills could be honed, and he would be welcomed with them, even as a wanted criminal.

Seeing nowhere else to go, Jut said goodbye to Marit from a distance, and disappeared, living with The Crushed Hand. Meeting with their leader, Shade-Paw, Jut was informed that the title of The Middle Finger, their assassin, had recently met her end. So since she could not train Jut, Shade-Paw took it upon himself, training him, and then praying to Izpyltia to bestow the boon of The Middle Finger upon him.

Now, fueling his rage towards the kingdoms government, Jut assassinates those that get in the way of The Crushed Hand, while taking his revenge in his own time.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Unable to kill high profile targets due to his involvement with The Crushed Hand, Jut has had to stay his hand for many years. But his crown kill was that of Baron Escount of The Ring of Fire council. Escount was pushing for more lenient punishment for criminals who murdered goblins and other "weak" races in the council. And when Jut caught wind of it, he decided to silence him regardless of guild rules.

Sneaking into The Righteous Ordained, he skulked the streets, making his way to Escounts home. With a righteous fury, he skulked into Escounts quarters and ordained his death quickly. But before he left, he wrote a message on the walls reading "THE WEAK WILL NOT LIVE IN FEAR FOREVER".

Failures & Embarrassments

Jut is slightly unhinged, so he doesn't consider most things he does to be failures, or embarrassing. But The Crushed Hand considers  only one incident to be a true failure for him, even if he doesn't. 

There was a commoner in the city who had learned too much, named Vash. He had learned The Palms identity, and needed to be silenced. So they sent Jut to take him down. So he hunted Vash, and slowly learned where he'd be from heresay. And then, one day, he was ready to execute him. He waited in an alley, and then lured him in with the sound of dropped coins. He pounced as the man walked over, and say that the man was also a goblin. He couldn't do it. He couldn't bring himself to kill another goblin over The Palms identity. So he made the man vow to be silent, and threatened that he'd always be watching. He went back to the guild and told them what had occurred. He was not punished, but The Palm told him that if his identity slipped as a result of Vash, he'd kill Jut himself.

Morality & Philosophy

Jut believes that the government is parasitic on the weak. They do nothing but make them work until they die, and let the strong push them around and kill them without a second thought. The weak can be strong in their own ways, and he'll kill everyone who works under the king and queen if he needs to to prove it.

Personality Characteristics


Jut aspires to topple the current ruling diarchy, and bring change for his people. Not for any virtuous reason though, but because he believes that goblins are superior to humans.

Likes & Dislikes

He likes goblins and most other races. But he is almost violently racist towards human. He will tolerate a few of them, but rarely.

Vices & Personality flaws

Being the darkest member of The Crushed Hand, Jut tends to not just partake in his simple killings when he has the chance. He'll usually try to capture them, and then slowly torture them for days, and sometimes weeks on end before killing them. Being a deranged man, he'll end by cutting the victim up after he's done.


Contacts & Relations

Although he doesn't interact with him often, if at all, Jut does have his brother, Marit, the harbormaster, as a contact. He'll talk to him sometimes when The Crushed Hand needs certain things done

Religious Views

Loosely worshipping Izpyltia, Jut doesn't often pray or make offerings. He does still venerate her, but out of necessity rather than want.
Lawful Evil
Current Status
Working as The Middle Finger for The Crushed Hand, while also working against the interests of Hailsoshia.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Middle Finger
Date of Birth
4th of Parium, 136 AH
Circumstances of Birth
Juts birthed was induced by forced trauma caused by a belligerent and violent human
In his family home in The Queens Embrace
Current Residence
Living in an undisclosed hideout of The Crushed Hand within Hailsoshia
Red, angry
Short Brown hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Bleached Green skin
100 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Humans are the cattle. We are gods."-referring to goblins as superior.
Dibolien, follower of Izpyltia
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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