Skyblades in Taridad | World Anvil
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Typical jousting is popular enough throughout Breland, but in Sharn, the sport has taken to the air. In a formal skyblades match, the goal is to knock an opposing rider from the saddle - attacks against mounts are forbidden, along with using magic or other supernatural abilities. Formal matches take place in one of Sharn's two aerial arenas, in Cornerstone and Hareth's Folly. Skyblades jousters typically ride hippogriffs and carry blunted lances that deal nonlethal damage.   Informal matches, which don't always use the same rules, occur from time to time in Lower and Middle Dura, Tavick's Landing, and Menthis Plateau. An informal match might be played out across an entire district, with competitors weaving between towers and around bridges. The rules for an informal match are set before the start, establishing (among other things) whether magic can be used and mounts can be targeted.


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