Naitoumi-Sevah Settlement in Tara | World Anvil
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Naitoumi-Sevah is a sacred true-air city in central Seviah, situated atop the desert mountain Naitoum-Einolasen. The city has a long and ancient history, and is one of the oldest cities in the world, founded in 2565 A.E. Naitoumi-Sevah is considered sacred, and has a deeply rooted culture of mysticism, religious rituals, and archaic mystery.
It began as a small town with a strong temple prescence, and slowly expanded to become a powerful city-state, experiencing a rapid flourish in culture and growth in the the late 3300's. As a state, it controlled the entire mountain territory and substantial parts of the land surrounding it.

Naitoumi-Sevah was conquered by the Thessian Empire in YEAR, after many years of sieges and warfare. It then became one of the central seats of power and culture of Thessia.
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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