Upper Keqan Organization in Tannar | World Anvil
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Upper Keqan

Kezh Keqan or Upper Keqan is one of five Dareshs of the Fifth Empire. Alternatively known as the Daresh of the confluence, Kezh Keqan rules the lands that comprises the two rivers of Keran and Zeqan before they unite into the Keqan river as well as some land south of that confluence. It's main seat is at Reinaqas one of the smaller cities of Tefaran but a historically important meeting place and trade post as it is very centrally located in the empire and connected to the royal "Red Road".   During the Queserbash invasion of Tefaran the ruling Daren of Kezh Keqan converted to the cult of Zarmzi after the "Battle at the Taher bridges" and has as of such had a powerful standing with the new administration for swearing fealty quickly.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Kezh Keqan, Daresh of the Confluence
Kezhi or Keqani
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

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