Keqani Ethnicity in Tannar | World Anvil
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When siblings squabble no one feels the pain of it more than those caught in the middle. This is a saying true to the Keqani who often finds themselves the battlefield of any conflict. When an invading force strikes Tefaran it is they who take the brunt of the damage and when internal conflicts run wild they again feel the pain. As a result, the Keqani has learned to work as the diplomats and mediators of the empire, trying to always make drawn blades go back to their sheaths. They are also however one of the most populous and large cultures in the empire as the Keqan river is bountiful and large and as such are also quite a varied group visible in how it is split into two regions the upper and lower keqan. The actions of the upper Keqani governor during the Queserbash invasions also speak to the Keqani spirit as seeing how there was no chance they would win against this invading force he was the first real lord to surrender and as a result spare the bloodshed of his people.
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