Fourth Empire Organization in Tannar | World Anvil
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Fourth Empire

Formed in the wake of the White Library Rebellion. The Fourth Empire quickly set out on a policy of freeing speech within its borders and fostering an imperial culture. The Fourth Empire successfully recognized that an issue within the Third Empire was that none except the Tefarani and Zenyat really approved of the empire controlling them and as of such attempted to assimilate the different cultures in one imperial culture. The execution on this however was sloppy and when eventually the disaster of Lekirr brought a wave of fear and skepticism to the three rivers the idea was dead as the Kerai again revolted.   The Fourth Empire instead became much like previous empires even pulling back some of the intellectual liberties it had given up on its creation. The Fourth Empire only recently got dismantled as Queserbash raiders seeing the ease with which they could raid the border, mounted a full-scale invasion and in 1961 created the current Fifth Empire.

1531 - 1961

Alternative Names
Keqani Empire
Predecessor Organization
Successor Organization
Parent Organization

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