Essence: The Binding Unknown Physical / Metaphysical Law in Tamatarux | World Anvil
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Essence: The Binding Unknown

I can not say I know what I know till it is made known; Nor can I see a spell till it is called, or divine the future till it reveals itself to me. What happens between the null and the conception? Does it simply not exist until we think it, or is the thinking simply remembering what is yet to be? This is Essence. This is why it is hard to explain. Essence represents what ties everything together, it defines even time and gravity: Essence is the known and the unknown, reality and the dream, the here and the yet to be.
Djuri The Blind explaining his theory on the Essence of Existence


The understanding of essence has appeared numerous times within Tamatarux's history: Reliefs and temples within Metea depict it as a power source more powerful than the elemental engine, Monastic Traditions within the Primeval Desert teach of ways to tap into this energy and bend reality to the users whim, and Altvelt legends warn of its destructive power.   The essence of Essence   Essence is the invisible energy that ties every fundamental law of the universe together. The Weave, Gravity, Time, Magic-- all are ruled over by Essence. Essence rarely manifests, though with large enough disturbances to the Weave it will burst. People caught by these bursts of Essence become Remnants, ghosts stuck in that moment of existence. These people are recorded to simply repeat the same things to themselves over, and over, or move to no avail. On the other hand, carefully extracting Essence from the weave grants power that is rarely matched. Essence allows its users to revert to a previous state of existence should their actions result in undesirable outcomes, create small portals to move creatures and items alike, and even cause bursts of their own.     Essence Extraction   The means to extract Essence safely is a guarded secret. The monks in the Primeval Desert share their secrets with none; People who escape encounters with Essence Bursts can pull it from thin air, though haven't the slightest clue how. Most Colleges ban researching Essence for practical ends, though that hasn't stopped rogue wizards and shady figures from trying to crack the code. Its only a matter of time....
"Haven't the slightest clue how it works. I move my hands around, look at something I don't like, and it just disappears."
Interview with an Essence Sorcerer
Metaphysical, Arcane

This article has no secrets.


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