Hearing Loss Condition in Tamaris | World Anvil

Hearing Loss


Hearing loss is caused by damage to the structures of the internal ear. It is commonly associated with old age, though ear infections and exposure to loud noises can also damage hearing.


The common symptom for hearing is difficulty hearing sound. Sounds may be muffled or indistinct. For age related hearing loss, typically high pitched and quiet sounds fade first. Other symptoms of hearing loss may be social withdrawal or asking people to speak up. Patients may also report hearing a ringing, buzzing, hissing, or roaring noise in one or both ears with no discernable source. The volume can vary and become loud enough to the point where it is difficult to concentrate or other sounds are drowned out. The phantom noise may be constant or come and go.


There is no cure for hearing loss. Hearing trumpets help amplify sound so that patients can hear better, but they lose effectiveness over time. They also have no effect on reducing phantom noises, and patients with severe hearing loss will require a large hearing trumpet. For people with mild to moderate hearing loss, however, small and collapsible hearing trumpets are available in a variety of styles. Covers for hearing trumpets can be custom made to fit any occasion.


Hearing will continue to worsen as the structures of the inner ear break down. It's not fatal, though many people experience a decreased quality of life due to the inability to communicate with loved ones or engage with activities.

Affected Groups

Men and women are affected equally by hearing loss. It is typically associated with people over the age of 60 and soldiers involved with artillery.


There is no known way to prevent hearing loss. However, a few doctors in Samoir believe that putting cotton or wax in one's ears before being exposed to loud noises may reduce the likelihood of acquiring sudden hearing loss. This has the disadvantage of dampening out other sounds, so it's not advised in situations where someone must listen for instructions or be able to hear machinery.
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species

Cover image: by Alishahr


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