Tal'rond The Elven Empire declares war.
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The Elven Empire declares war.

Political event

2A. 806

The Elven Empire formally declares war on Fyalmattir and Eredir.

After the human kingdom of Fyalmattir offers shelter and alliance to the three Dwarven princes, and the refusal of Lady Caranyth of Eredir to aquiesce to Anth'mar's demands, the Elven Empire under Anth'mar declares war on Fyalmattir and Eredir and all who stand with them. Anth'mar himself gathers a grand army in Laédin and marches south from Eron'del to link up with Nakaria the Siren and her forces, who have been recalled from the fringes of Mirkireth to help with the threat in the imperial heartlands.

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