Zhaos Character in Talor | World Anvil
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Divine Domains

He is known to have the domain of demonic and all else infernal


There's Bloodfest, an annual competition usually involving fighting to gain the favor of the warlords

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To conquer the worlds for his people

Physical Description

Special abilities

He has the ability to create demons, he is able to create lava, netherine crystals and is incredibly intelligent. He is capable of transcending dimensions if given enough time and power, and is capable of producing flames and blasts of demonic energy from his hands.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When the underworld was born, so was Zhaos. He was created by Unos to watch over this realm, to survey this grim alternative destination for lost souls to go. It was an isolated realm, one of which only spirits could truly pass on to, a nothingness to those who could not make it to the gates of heaven. Thus, Zhaos tried to make this world something of his own. He created denizens of his own to inhabit this world, but they were wicked, horrific and vile in design. Everything he made was twisted in a strange way, he lacked the powers to make this underworld a paradise.   Over time, he decided to experiment with his magic, trying to make use of the souls that wandered into this realm. Found that he could extrac t power from them, a power to which he gifted to his creations, a technology unlike anything they've ever seen, and entirely their own. They labeled this profession soulsmithing, a work that took the ectoplasm with the use of the Netherine crystals he created to make technological advancements.   But this wasn't enough, Zhaos wanted more than just this realm. He got to work trying to see if he could find a way to send his forces to the realm the souls originated from, to which through his power he was able to find a way to enter the realm of Talor.   Seeing this new realm as a conquest to be made, he took his forces to take over the realm for himself, sending the demons into this realm to take it over. The deities struck back, trying to fight back against Zhaos's invasion. They blesssed their own heroes to strike back against this invasion, taking several vessels to fight back against him.   There was a bloody clash that went on for 20 years, they built the town of Brimstone as their bastion in this world, but eventually the realm of Talor came to the underworld to plunge a sword through Zhaos's chest, sealing him away in his castle before locking him away in his realm and destroying most of the soldiers of his realm. Now Zhaos lays imprisoned with holy magic, keeping him chained in the realm of the underworld as the survivors of his soldiers are trapped in an unknown realm without his aid.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He managed to create the demon race, invent Soulsmithing and populate and rule the underworld, and managed to become the first deity to cross dimensional realms. He established a society of sentient thought, and managed to create a language for them.

Failures & Embarrassments

He lost the war of his invasion, and was sealed away with a sword in his chest

Mental Trauma

He was stabbed with a sword in his chest as most of his armada perished before his eyes.

Intellectual Characteristics

He is a masterful tactician, has a powerful knowledge of souls and how to utilize them, as he's intelligent enough to invent new technology altogether.

Morality & Philosophy

He wants to rule the realms, to conquer the realms around him. He wants his creations to flourish, to take over the realms to expand their horizons and take what is rightfully theirs, to prove they have the strength and capability to take what is theirs.


He does not get along with the other deities, as he has a grudge against them for locking him away in the underworld in the first place, then for denying him what's rightfully his.

Personality Characteristics


To finally have more than this wretched land, to take this realm of Talor for himself.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

He understands greatly how the magic of his powers work, he understands the intricasies of his powers and how the demonic work. He has a great knowledge of souls, and has practiced tactical warfare with himself for centuries.   He doesn't understand exactly how the world of Talor works, as he's only heard tales from spirits. He doesn't understand the perspective of the other deities and how there's other solutions besides warfare to achieve his dreams and desires.

Likes & Dislikes

He enjoys his creations, the thought of exploring a new realm, and actually enjoys flowers.   He dislikes the other deities, and being resisted

Virtues & Personality perks

He wishes for the best for his creations, he's a genius creator with the resources he has.

Vices & Personality flaws

He uses force to get what he wants, even going as far as to commit war and slaughter to obtain his goals, and can be difficult to cooperate with.



He ruled an army and an entire world of demons for 1,650 years

Contacts & Relations

He has lost contact with his followers, however they still search for him to this day. He has a strong hatred for the other Deities.

Social Aptitude

He actually isn't too bad to talk to socially, whilst he uses force a large amount of the time, he is quite open to socialization, and is more open to contact his followers than most other deities.

Wealth & Financial state

He has no need for wealth, as his status is above requiring such things.
Divine Classification
Demon god
Lawful Evil
Current Status
Chained in the underworld
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The demonic king
Current Residence
The ashen castle
Golden, reptillian in nature
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Monochromatic black in coloration
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Rise my soldiers, rise and claim what is rightfully yours. Rise and claim your destiny!"
Known Languages
He speaks a language he invented himself known as Infernish


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