Rodekin Species in Talor | World Anvil
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Basic Information


The Rodekin typically take a humanoid appearance, coming in a wide variety of heights. The most common of Rodekin are the ones that take the appearance of mice and rats, but Rodekin can have similar traits to any form of rodent.

Biological Traits

Rodekin tend to live up to 75 years in age, becoming mature adults at 15 years of age. Their heights tend to varie from Rodekin to Rodekin, having a wide arrange of size. Some may only grow to about three feet tall, whilst others may grow as tall as six feet. Generally they tend to be other light in weight compared to their size. Their general aspects depend on their subspecies of Rodekin, which is dependant on the type of Rodent they take the form of.   Despite their differences in their subspecies, Rodekin tend to have a strong sense of community, and will take in any of their own kind even if they belong to a separate family or subspecies, believing they have strength in numbers.

Growth Rate & Stages

Rodekin children are often refered to as Mouselings or Ratlings, even when it's not entirely accurate. The proffessional term would be 'Rodeling'.

Ecology and Habitats

They typically live in urban towns, forest environments and...well, generally all over.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They can general eat anything a typical humanoid can, as they're omnivorous in nature. They typically enjoy vegetation and dairy products, however some tend to have an aversion to cheese a lot of the time due to how they've been stereotyped. They'll typically stock up on food reserves when necessary.

Biological Cycle

They typically grow more grey hairs as they grow older, along with growing more fluffy in the winter as they grow a winter coat, whilst shedding their fur during the spring.


They generally try to live among other species peacefully, and as humanoids they have a habit of ending their sentences with small squeaks or in other cases, the word 'Chu' as a habit of their primary language. They fight to try and avoid being hunted on by the monsters that roam the land.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They typically live in dens known as Packs, where many Rodekin will gather, those who remain in the pack are considered family, regardless if they're related by blood ties or not.   Rodekin are typically accepted in social structure, however there are people with phobias of them, as there has been a misconception floating around that Rodekin are disease carriers. This misunderstanding has spread across Talor, and has made many hesitant to deal with them, and has spread anti-Rodekin propaganda across the world.   Some regions are better about this than others, with some regions praising the Rodekin as hard, reliable workers with large hearts, whilst other regions see them as sly, cunning and disturbing pests.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

There is a nasty rumor that's been spread that Rodekin tails can be used as powerful elixir materials, however this was a lie spread as anti-Rodekin propaganda, it's a misconception that's commonly corrected by experts.

Facial characteristics

They typically tend to have humanoid facial features, however some range more towards rodent-like facial features. A large amount of the time they'll have large ears dependant on the species of rodent they're based on, along with powerful front teeth that regularly need to gnaw on materials to keep them from overgrowing.

Average Intelligence

They generally have average humanoid intelligence, being sapient and capable of complex thought, much like a human. They also have instincts that will kick in when they're in danger or in search of food, making them excellent scouts and scavengers.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The main senses of the rodekin generally depend on what type of rodent they're based on. A large variety of them tend to have a rather sharp sense of smell, though this largely depends on the kind of subspecies of Rodekin they are.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

They typically try to have a symbiotic relationship with other humanoids, trying to work together to overcome adversity, however not all races have looked at the Rodekin kindly.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

One of the largest Rodekin settlements is Silvertail, however their homelands across the Copper Meadows have plenty of larger packs scattered across the area.

Beauty Ideals

Every Rodekin has their own ideal of beauty, however many Rodekin tend to believe that soft, maintained fur tend to be a great sign of status and general welfare.

Courtship Ideals

Typically, they will not court with another Rodekin within their own pack, unless they have concrete evidence that they're not blood related, but many are uncomfortable with taking that chance. Typically many of them will search for others outside of their pack, allowing others from outside their pack to marry into their family, and they typically tend to have large quantities of children as they believe the strength of numbers is something to be embraced.   They're willing to accept the traditions of others typically so long as they don't go outside their moral compass, when weddings occur, they will typically have a large event where the entire pack is invited (though it is perfectly fine to not attend) to marry within the den, though other places of sentimentality are allowed.

Relationship Ideals

Typically, they enjoy hardworking, honest people who look past the propaganda of the past. Most tend to marry to other Rodekin, and feel very hesitant to marry those outside of their culture, though it is not shunned.

Average Technological Level

Typically they have average technological levels

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Their native language is Rodish, which is a language of squeaks, chitters, and often using the words Chu, so much so that they tend to say 'Chu' even when speaking other language if Rodish is their first language. They can learn other languages as well of course.

Common Taboos

It's frowned upon to throw away any food or to let any go to waste. Whilst they enjoy dairy products, it's insulting for others to stereotype them as 'cheese-eaters', as it's gotten to the point where some Rodekin have gotten nervous to feed on cheese products out of fear of being stereotypical.


Typically, Rodekin were originally viewed with distrust given they resembled rodents. They've been commonly plagued by the threat of monsters, harsh environments and distrust from others. What's kept them together was the fact they've kept together, staying together as strong families. They've banded together to have strength in numbers, to have strength in family.   Eventually they managed to win the trust of other races, and started to be hired as workers when they agreed they needed to join forces to stay safe in these horrid times. However, whilst many of them worked together, there was still a divide between everyone, a lack of understanding of how eachother's culture worked.   Things got worse in the great plague of 1205, where many village settlements grew sick. Strangely enough, Rodekin seemed to be immune to this plague that spread around the world, thus starting to spread the suspicion that Rodekin were the carriers of said disease. Rodekin were driven out of cities and settlements, anti-Rodekin propaganda started to rise to scare them out of towns.   For years, a social war of trying to regain their rights have gone on between the others, trying to fight for the right to stay within their homes, whilst others decided it'd be best to make their own settlements, one of the most prevelant settlements being Silvertail. Others that tried to stay in their homes were sent to the streets, where they tried to get by as thieves to try and stay within their homelands.   Years went on, but eventually there had been more and more activists claiming that Rodekin were perfectly safe to stay with. Others didn't believe this, and prefered to be away from Rodekin, but eventually more and more Rodekin over the years there have been efforts to close the gap.   Whilst things are certainly better than the propaganda scare, with Rodekin no longer being ratted out of their homes today, there's still unease between the tension between the various races.

Historical Figures

One major historical figure is Martin Graytail, who fonded Silvertail in 1206

Common Myths and Legends

There is a myth about the tails of Rodekin being primarily useful in alchemy elixirs, however this has been confirmed to be anti-Rodekin propaganda.   It's also a myth that Rodekin spread disease towards others, just because they have a tolerance to specific diseases.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Many humanoids have different views on Rodekin, some appreciate their hardworking and caring demeanor, whilst others distrust them, thinking them as plague-ridden beasts. They have a mixed reputation among the crowds, others still not letting go of the past.
Scientific Name
Rodentia Furricus
75 years
Average Height
They range from 3-6 feet
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They can come in a wide variety of color and markings, though their colors are typically based on the type of rodent they take after. Typically these are expected to range from black, grey, brown or white coats most of the time.


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