Celestian Species in Talor | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Celestians typically take the form of people with angelic features, being humanoids with feathery wings and sometimes even a halo above their head. Sometimes they'll also have small wing-like feathers on the sides of their head, along with other bizzare features.

Biological Traits

Celestians, also known as angelfolk, are cpaable of flight with their wings, and are typically in tune with their own divine power depending on their bloodline


Their behavior is primarily dependant on what type of Celestian they are, which is dependant on what type of deity has blessed their bloodline.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

They have a great knowledge about the divine, capable of knowing about the various deities in the world.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Celestians are often seen as 'guardian angels' by other races, spoiled by their celestial blood and revered as idols. However this has made some of them arrogant, as this power was never meant for mortal hands.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Talian, typically they also have whatever language their ancestry stems from.

Common Taboos

It is frowned upon to ever scorn the deity that blessed your Celestian's bloodline, along with to sympathize with an Infernin.


During the Invasion of Zhaos, people were horrified by the potential of losing their homes to the underworld. The deities were furious that there was a deity that directly aimed to alter the course of life in this world without consultation. Whilst subtle ways to guide the realm of Talor was acceptable, a direct war of the realm was too far.   Thus, the deities gathered in their realm to gather a plan to stop Zhaos without directly involving themselves in the war as combatants. Their presence alone would be too much for the world to handle. Thus, they decided to look to their angels, blessing select champions with the blood of their angels.   These select champions were known as the Celestians. Their powers were given as a direct counter to the demonic hoard. They managed to help win the war, fighting against the army and sealing away Zhaos with the Heavenly sword.   As the dust settled, the Celestians were revered as heroes. But this power never went away, and thus this praise and sometimes even worship got to many of their heads, starting to become arrogant and sometimes even tyrannical. They'd retain their status as guardians, sometimes even passing through their Celestian blood through their offspring, however many of them demand praise for their efforts and sometimes even demand rewards for their very presence.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Most species generally look up to Celestians, seeing them as protectors of the realm. However there are some that disagree with that notion, finding their continued presence to be overbearing and unnecessary.They also have a deep rivalry with the Infernin for being complete opposites and because of their existence being meant to kill off the Infernin people.
500 years
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They typically come in human-centric colorations, but typically have lighter pallettes, though darker palette celestians are not unheard of


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