Session 20: The Siege of Eidover Report in Talor | World Anvil
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Session 20: The Siege of Eidover

General Summary

Responding to Solaire's orders the group quickly run to the wall of Eidover taking around 600 men with them in support from the reserve. Reaching the top of the battlements they see a mass of troops moving towards the city. The soldiers around them are getting the various weapons ready to defend as the mass approaches and in the distance they see two siege towers moving ominously towards them. As Rourke takes a glance across the battle field he estimates over 1000 troops are approaching with most of the front line being formed from Runemen many of whom are carrying ladders ready to scale the wall.
Taking the lead Rourke immediately prepares the Paladin detachment along the wall to take out the wheels of the towers with the hope to topple them. He orders the archers to fire but instead of all firing as a cohesive force they fire wildly and miss many of their targets. A barrage of arrows are fired back but the group manages to duck behind cover and only take minor wounds. Rourke commands the men to settle and the Paladins manage to take out one wheel on the siege tower slowing it dramatically, Faen shoots a fire bolt at the wheel of the second tower slowing that one too while Astraea does the same with the other wheel and the tower topples into the wall smashing into it. Realising they need to get the shield up and running as quickly as possible Astraea sends Halin to help the other wizards fix it and as he runs off Rourke and Faen head in the same direction just as 3 wizards on brooms fly overhead and start releasing fireballs into the ranks of the enemy. The Paladins continue to shoot the other tower as Hanurak and Astraea run to the gatehouse and Hanurak grabs a huge cauldron of oil and upending it over the wall, as it begins to flow Astraea clicks her fingers and it bursts into flame splashing the men below creating a puddle of fire at the base. Two more vats are thrown over the wall and Astraea puts up a wall of fire to block the wall from men putting up ladders near the gatehouse.  
Defence of the Gatehouse
  Faen and Rourke manage to get halfway between the gatehouse and the tower when Faen casts a fireball just behind the approaching siege tower and manages to take the back out of it. Toppling backwards it smashes into the army moving slowly behind it killing dozens of runemen.   With the siege towers disposed of the morale of the defenders is boosted but there's no time for celebration as the hordes keep coming continuing to put up their ladders. Even with the men pushing the ladders down it doesn't take long before the wall is starting to be overrun and Rourke gives a rallying cry boosting the men. Back at the gatehouse Hanurak sees a large Goliath in the distance and remembers the face of Gimil-sin the Sergeant of Breah's Blue Coats all too well.
They stare at each other across the battle field when suddenly there is a crash as a battering ram materialises and begins pounding at the gatehouse with around 50 rune men blue coats surrounding it. With the wall below still burning and men climbing up it with ropes Rourke decides it's time to show them who's in charge and throws a grenade into the centre of a group of soldiers in front him killing and wounding many. Suddenly there is an explosion from behind him and turning both he and Faen see the gatehouse door blow apart as the battering ram finally gets through.   It disappears and the bluecoats begin flooding towards the opening seeing this Hanurak goes into a rage and jumps down enlarging himself at the same time blocking the doorway. Ordering the archers from behind to focus on the approaching blue wave they unleash a barrage of arrows and clear some of but leave many more still charging on. Hanurak looks up and asks Astraea how many more are left she flies above the gatehouse and sees another 500 troops approaching in the distance. She unleashes some scorching rays while Hanurak who is still holding the gate but is hard pressed and beginning to be pushed back even with the King's Own.
  The troops dotting the roof tops and streets prepare themselves as the archers continue to fire. Back with Rourke and Faen they can hear Halin shouting orders Rourke shoots at the approaching men in the wall with both him and Faen taking hits and a huge fireball lands near them hitting both Rourke and Astraea. The fighting continues with Faen and Astraea firing at the army below and Rourke and Hanurak holding the men back on the wall and gatehouse.
Another moment passes before the wall to the right of the gatehouse suddenly blows apart and they see that the enemy have been digging a tunnel under the defences. With that Halin gives a cry of triumph and the shield drops down covering the city.  
Eidover Ships
Ships approaching Eidover
  As the last of the enemy still in the city limits is finished off they hear a cry of "Sail..sails on the horizon" they all run to look, as they approach the docks they see the horizon filled with the sight of oncoming ships and with only a token navy left in the slips the group decides to head back to the palace to regroup and formulate a new plan.   Solaire approaches and congratulates them on holding the wall but as they head back to the palace they realise that their forces have been badly hit and they need to do something drastic to end this siege. As they are walking they hear a shout from behind them and they turn to see a large cloud approaching which reforms as it gets to them into the familiar form of the Tabaxi rogue Twig. As he moves to join them Rourke sees his commander Gwilym Manthyr appear who looking around him approaches Rourke and asks for an update on the situation. From the cloud two more people emerge much to Faen's chagrin one of them is Missa who ignores him completely and waits with Twig while the second form solidifies and Astraea sees it is her old friend Rashal.   She hugs him and asks how is he here as he died in Waterdeep.
"My lady Beira. She senses that the veil between worlds is weakening and she sent me to discover what is going on. After the battle at Waterdeep Ma'lak should have been stopped for centuries but something is wrong and he is able to breach the void to get here too soon. I need all the information you have." Says Rashal.
Rourke approaches and asks if he can do anything to help with the approaching ships and Beira tells Rashal that she will do what she can to slow the ships down, the sky darkens and storm clouds form over the bay, rain lashes down and the seas turn tumultuous slowing the ships for the time being. As they continue to the palace Astraea tells Rashal everything that has happened and what they have found out about Orryn, Rashal is troubled by this and asks where Andre is as he would like to discuss this with his old friend. With head bowed Astraea reaches into her bag and pulls out an urn which she hands to Rashal.
"Andre fell in battle doing what he loved looting treasure chests and drinking water, these are his ashes if we make it out of here would you take them to the fountain at Waterdeep so he can be with the queen he loved so much." Solemnly Rashal takes the ashes and stores them in the folds of his cloak nodding, he tells Astraea that Andre is with Beira for all eternity but he will take the urn and build a resting place for them with a memorial documenting his great deeds.   At the palace they take nourishment and rest as much as they can with Valanthe healing their wounds Faen suddenly hears his name called and he turns to see Chloe running towards him she hugs him and takes a seat next to him, his friends smile to themselves as he squirms uncomfortably something which Chloe doesn't notice and continues to chat away to him. She tells him she has been practicing her magic and has come to help, while Faen is busy Astraea asks Missa to sit with her and Rashal asking how she came to be with Twig and the others. She says that Twig rescued her from a prison that Orryn had her thrown in for disagreeing with his plans to take Eidover by force. She isn't able to give too many details on the plan but she does know that Orryn believes the palace is some kind of transmitter that could help Ma'lak come through so he wants to destroy it. Faen who has been listening says that he remembers reading that the palace was built and used by the dwarves as a way to concentrate the power for commanding their original rune men army. Rourke who had been to the Unseen University to see if the professors had anything that could help comes back with a sphere for himself and a figurine for Hanurak which when thrown can banish someone to another plane of existence.
Meanwhile Cuivie speaks to Faen and tells him that once the orb is finished and having the Palace's spire to work with he believes he can modify his original ritual to only need one soul to cleanse the Runemen curse. He wants Faen to make sure that his soul is the one that's used something that Faen dismisses immediately.
Halin who has been listening in produces his scrying orb which he throws into the air and it projects an image of Gimil-sin in a lavish tent into the throne room. On Gimil-sin's table there are plans of the battle showing his troops and a circle on the map which Halin concentrates on. He sees that they are attempting to make a circle of breaking and something is written about the shield deducing that they are attempting to conjure Maelor's Spectral Hammer, an old Siege spell from the days of the Empire of Thirsk which if finished would destroy Eidover's shield immediately.
Hearing this everyone decides that their first priority has to be to stop the ritual and should be the focus of their attacks. Rourke hears back from his scouts that the opposing army have started building a circle in the distance. Professor Mendes estimates that with the circle in its current state they have maybe two more days before its complete. Contemplating their further plans Faen and Astraea with the help of the professors from the Unseen University spend the next few hours studying the Soul Dagger they found in Leodar's Tomb. Given Hanurak's reaction to it Cuivie deduces that it must have been part of the system the empire used for controlling its runemen and given the Palace's layout there must have been some mechanism inside the building that would use it.  
Silas' throne room
The King's Throne Room
  Spending the next few hours scouring the Palace they discover an alcove in the back of the throne room which seems to have a slot the dagger could be inserted into and a dwarf sized hand print. Astraea shouts "do we have any dwarves" and a voice from behind her shouts back
"Did someone says they needed a dwarf?" Turning she sees Thorbrith Oakfury walking towards her and with after a brief hug she explains their plan. Thorbrith takes the dagger inserts it into the slot and puts his hand on the imprint. The runes on the dagger glow orange once more as similar coloured tendrils of lightning crackle up the walls towards the top of the spire. The room comes alive with more runes glowing everywhere. He suddenly sees Hanurak who is with the troops in the city preparing for another assault.
"Hanurak?" Says Thorbrith.
"Yes" says Hanurak looking around confused suddenly he feels an overwhelming urge to raise his right arm. Back in the throne room Thorbrith turns to the others saying he can see the Barbarian and managed to take control of his body but as he says it the runes fade and the tendrils retreat beck into the dagger as the entire system loses power. Faen quickly grabs the dagger and is thrown back across the throne room. Chloe runs to help him up and Thorbrith walks over to him after making sure he was alright he says
"Maybe you should have waited until I had taken my hand off the controls, young wizard." Taking the dagger from a dazed Faen Thorbrith walks back to the wall with a chuckle. Putting the dagger back in the slot they see that nothing happens Rashal suggests that maybe the dagger needs a power source. The group head out to find Solaire and Rourke and tell them what's happened. Rourke who has also come up with a plan to defeat the siege that involves infiltrating Orryn's army and sneaking a bomb into Orryn's ritual and destroy it. Astraea comments that it would likely be a suicide mission, reminding him that Elanil has gone to the circle to scout it out and speak to Orryn and to wait until they have heard back. Rashal cautions them to keep Rourke's plan as a last resort. He instead offers to speak with Gimil-sin and ask for an audience with Orryn to discuss his plans to destroy Ma'lak. Still not entirely trusting the druid Rourke reluctantly agrees and decides to wait until Rashal or Elanil return.
  Returning to the throne room with Faen, Astraea suddenly feels a pull from the dagger of Draco on her belt remembering the emergency signal that Elanil told her would signal an emergency. Sensing her sister in trouble and before sense kicks in to be cautious she grabs the dagger and speaks to Elanil.   In front of her in a pitch black room stands Orryn bathed in a single shaft of light, he smiles
. "I thought you were dead," he chuckles "It seems Elanil has failed me more than once. I admire your bravery in arriving so soon to help your dear sister and for that error you can remain here with her, forever." As he fades away Astraea sees the pitch black space suddenly transform into her family's library back in her home in Astana when she was a child. Realising Orryn has cast some kind of spell on them she runs to try and find Elanil.   Back in the palace war room Astraea suddenly falls to the floor, both Rourke and Thorbrith rush over and see that she seems to be in some sort of coma. Carrying her to a quiet side room Thorbrith shouts for help and Valanthe rushes in, the others wait anxiously and after awhile Thorbrith returns shaking his head while Valanthe says she knows it it some kind of magic but there isn't anything they can do to help. Leaving his friends Rashal heads out of the city gates with a little resistance from the guards which Rourke stops and wishes Rashal the best of luck. Watching from the walls he sees as Rashal stops reaches down to pick something up then continues forward before he is stopped by two guards at the sentry line.  
Orryn's Army
Orryn's Camp
  A few minutes of tense negotiation ensues before the guards agree to escort Rashal to Gimil-sin's tent. As he enters he sees the large Goliath standing over his table, the map still spread out upon it. He turns and asks Rashal what he wants gruffly. The druid says that he has come as Beira's messenger and that he wants to speak to Orryn. A moment passes before Gimil-sin cocks his head, as if listening to something only he could hear. He nods and an opening appears in the back wall of the tent. Expecting to see the ground outside he is instead greeted by the sight of Orryn reclining at his desk, he makes a motion for his guest to depart who Rashal notices is a very beautiful red headed woman. In the corner he sees a tabaxi rogue in a trance in the corner unresponsive to everything, recognising her as Elanil a frown briefly crosses his brow. With an amicable greeting Orryn invites him to take a seat, they discuss Ma'lak and why Orryn is attacking the city. The old wizard tells him that the barrier is weakening but he doesn't know why, only that it has something to do with the death of Shango at Waterdeep and that the Water Queen herself has told him the Golden Spire is the key to accessing the plane of fire and banishing Ma'lak for good.   Orryn says that he doesn't want all this fighting he just wants to get to the spire and says that he would be happy for the city to evacuate so he can go in and do what he must to stop Ma'lak peacefully. As Rashal is about to give his answer he hears Astraea's voice in his head telling him he needs help, looking at the rogue in the corner he hears her tell him to make a sound if he hears her Rashal looks at Orryn and says
"Hmmm an interesting proposal. You will of course understand everyone's reluctance to just leave the city, especially after what you have done. I will see what I can do, but I will need some time."
"I will give you a day to give me the Kings response then my hammer will be finished and I will get into the city regardless." Says Orryn. With a nod Rashal takes his leave and heads grimly back across the field of battle perturbed by the events around him.   At the palace Faen grabs the dagger of Draco with the hope of contacting Elanil or Astraea through it but all he gets are vague voices of Rashal and Orryn talking but he can't make anything out. They decide to leave the Paladins and Valanthe to care for Astraea and Thorbrith says that this magic is something Astraea must beat herself.   Back in Elanil's mind Astraea looks around marvelling at her old home when she hears a noise from one of the other rooms. Running down the corridor she finds Elanil sitting on a chair.
"Elanil what's happening?" Asks Astraea and Elanil looks up with relief all over her face.
"Sister I am glad to see a friendly face but we must run before Father comes back." Astraea is confused looking around she notices the room looks like her father's old study room
"What happened to you how did you end up here?" Asks Astraea and Elanil tells her that she made it to the circle but was caught by Gimil-sin who knocked her out and when she woke she was back here. Before she could continue banging rings out on the door and shouts that she recognises as her father telling Elanil to open the door at once. Elanil grasps Astraea's arms and pleads with her to stop him from taking her, the door bursts open and in walks their father...
Report Date
15 Feb 2019


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