The New Faith Organization in Tallohn | World Anvil
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The New Faith

The New Faith is the name usually given to all worship of Aelystrin in all his forms, though among Elves and scholars it is more specifically used to refer to his worship in the Elven Empire and in Curith, though some scholars would even hesitate to place the Curin Church of Flame within their perspective of the New Faith.   It is a replacement of the following of Lystri, which has consequently become known as the Old Faith, and was instigated by Emperor Nyrai the Smiling, likely to cement his rule and power in the uncertain times after his grandfather's death. Like the Old Faith, it is monotheistic, teaching that Aelystrin is the only god, who made the world, Elves and nature and through his power, and him personally, the Elder Serpent was slain.   It is rather exceptional, since it is phalocratic rather than egalitarian, resulting in widespread disgust among the other peoples of Raath.


Most people who follow the religion hold no official place within it, simply taking the role of the congregation. Ranks are restricted to the priesthood.   The lowest rank within the priesthood of Aelystrin is that of Apprentice, for those who haven't been ordained or taken the Vows of Fire. These young priests are preparing for their initiation into the priesthood and simply assist their masters in their duties. Once they exit this rank, they can choose to become a Flamekeeper (Aevir), responsible for keeping the various fires and candles within the temple lit, or they may choose to become a Burning Monk, living a life of seclusion and dedication in an isolated monastery, where they will pray and contemplate Aelystrin in the hope of attaining the full power of their divine souls. Any ranks above these are restricted to men, due to the phalocratic nature of the priesthood of Aelystrin.   The next rank in the path of an Aevir is a a Priest of Flame, responsible for the management of an entire temple and all the Flamekeepers below him. They are also responsible for leading weekly worship and giving out weekly sermons to the congregation, as well as officiating weddings and handling most day-to-day religious matters. A select few Aevira may be chosen to become Torchbearers (Brenaesinath, singular Brenaesin), the missionaries of the New Faith, who are typically escorted by a company of Aevira and a few mercenaries or legionares.   For a Burning Monk, the next step is to become an Abbot, leading the monastery. They are responsible for the management of the monastery, its lands and visitors and the wellbeing, both spiritual and physical, of their monks. Advancement beyond this point is possible, but rare, with Priests of Flame being by far preferred for promotion than Abbots.   The next rank that can be attained, for both Priests and Abbots, is that of Chief Priest, or Prelate in Curith. They are given a specific area to care for, known as a diocese, in which they hold land and a great deal of influence. They will typically hold residence in the regional capital, and will run the largest temple in the capital. They also have command of the local forces of the Burning Ones.   After this comes the rank of Prophet of Flames, or Archprelate in Curith. The Prophet of Flames is the spiritual leader for an entire province of the Empire, or, in the case of Curith, for the whole Kingdom. They have lands within the province and are an important advisor to the governor, and many attend the Imperial Court regularly. They carry out a similar administrative function to a Chief Priest (or Prelate), but on a much grander scale, and they typically hold residence in the capital of the province and lead the largest temple in the capital. They will also be the Chief Priest of the region around the provincial capital. They report to the High Priest of Aelystrin, the spiritual leader of the entire Empire and the being closest to the ear of their god.   The High Priest of Aelystrin holds the ear of the Emperor, and is one of his closest advisors, though human scholars note that, when the Emperor changes or the High Priest does, there may be conflict between the High Priest and Emperor over who is closer to Aelystrin, since the Emperor is said to be his voice on earth and the High Priest is spiritual leader of the entire people and in direct communication with Aelystrin.

Public Agenda

The New Faith seeks to grow, taking the entire world into the fold of Aelystrin, as well as to remove all other religions, belief systems and gods and expand the Empire of Ilwyer.

Divine Origins

The origins of the New Faith are not mysterious, essoteric or unknown. It is was instituted by Nyrai the Smiling, to bring control over the Empire and deal with rebellion and dissent among the nobles, at least according to the cynical. It drew most of its ideas from Nyrai's own head, or, according to the religion's faithful, the divine vision imparted to him, and used the figure of Lystri's most powerful divine servant, her son according to some texts, her brother according to Nyrai, and used his established reputation for defeating a great many of the Elder Serpent's most fearsome lieutenants, to give credence to the religion.

Tenets of Faith

There is but one god, and his name is Aelystrin. He is the creator and destroyer, and his word is law.   The Xerith, or Emperor, is Aelystrin's embodiment on Tallohn. He speaks with the voice and words of Aelystrin.   Aelystrin is the true lord of all the world. He shall be worshipped and venerated, and he alone.   The True Faith must be spread, by word, by deed, by fire and by the sword.   Aelystrin's creation is sacred and not to be defiled. Should they need to be taken, a prayer, confession and offering must be undertaken to attone for sin.   Aelystrin has created the world, the divine souls of the Elves, the trees and the bushes and all plants.


The priesthood of the New Faith is a vocation, for which anyone can apprentice in their twenty years of apprenticeship. During this time, the specific priest determines whether the person is suitable for this duty and then, once the twenty years are passed, they become a fully fledged member of Aelystrin's clergy. All members of the clergy wear long orange robes, with wide sleeves and deep hoods, and green monastic scapulars over these robes.


While the New Faith remains undivided in its sects among the Elves, since the long lives of the Elves and short tenure of the religion (in Elven terms), as well as the brutal police of its teachings by the government and religious leadership, it has variations outside of the Empire.

The Cult of Aelin

The Cult of Aelin is a primarily human Mystery Cult dedicated to the Aeilin, divine being and servant to Lystri (but, crucially to the Old Faith, usually not described as a god). It is from this being that the New Faith's Aelystrin sprung, and therefore the Cult of Aelin is considered a sect of the New Faith. Their exact beleifs and practices are not known, since they are a Mystery Cult, but they certainly diverge from the main branch since they acknowledge the divinity of Lystri, as well as most other gods. This is mostly found in Thalir and Calevos

Aelystrin's Worship in Gallia

In Gallia, Aelystrin is seen as a god of celebration, alcohol and revelries, embraced by drunkards, the very rich and travelling entertainers. He takes this role in duality with Dioné, goddess of wine. His following is especially popular among the members of the royal court, who partake in wild revelries and find his association with Elven decadence rather helpful. In this case, his aspects as a fire and war deity are largely abandoned.

Aelystrin's Worship in Pyreon

Aelystrin is not worshipped much in Pyreon, but he is invoked to call down wrath on enemies. He is seen as a god of vengeance and violent judgement, and his followers reflect that, mostly being incredibly overzealous, often committing arson those who wrong them and inciting violence against those who follow other gods. For this reason, the following of Aelystrin is frowned upon and often persecuted.

The Church of Flame

In Curith, the national religion is in worship of Aelystrin and no other god. This is policed by the Church of Flame, a collection of zealots who report directly to the High Priest of Aelystrin. The country is divided into diocese, each led by a Prelate, who must answer to the Archprelate, who is the spiritual leader of the entire country. Local villages have Chapels where local priests give sermons and services. The Church of Flame has taken the phalocratic ideals of the New Faith's clergy and applied them throughout Curin soceity, preaching that women are lesser than men and seek to consume and usurp their power, in the same manner as Lystri is said to have done with Aelystrin. As such, women are not allowed to inherit land, rule the country or do a variety of things, though among the peasantry these restrictions are far fewer, since it is simply impractical. However, women are still seen as lesser and there are very few professional artisans who are women, along with a variety of other sexist societal restrictions. The rest of the world is appalled by this, save the Imperial Elves, who either approve or think that it is simply humans being backwards and stupid again.
Founding Date
11000 AG
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Following of Aelystrin, the Children of Fire
Permeated Organizations
Related Species
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Religious war

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