The Gateway Pact Document in Talirim, the first ring | World Anvil
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The Gateway Pact


On the 18th day of the 4th month (spring by northern reckoning) Diplomats from the Tiorath Hierarchy, given authority by the high lord of the Hierarchy, along with Diplomats from the Tiorathan Loyalist movement, authorized by the self-proclaimed lord of Nor'Tirath, met with Diplomats from each of the nation-states of the former territory of Sethir, authorised by Kilric, Endros and Olrad respectively. The pact ended the hostilities within Sethir for good and bought peace between the young nations and the government of Tiorath.  



-The states of Hyeros, Seofare and Oron'Hye are hereby to be acknowledged as independent states by the Hierarchy, and by extension Nor'Tirath.   -The states of Hyeros, Seofare and Oron'Hye maintain the rights to move freely through the territory of Nor'Tirath with the exception of Military forces.   -The states of Hyeros, Seofare and Oron'Hye may move military forces through Nor'Tirath as long the forces total no more than 150 at a time, and not pass near any military installments. Greater forces may move with greater freedom if the route is approved by the governor of Nor'Tirath. RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE STATES OF NOR'TIRATH AND THE TIORATH HIERARCHY -The lower region of Seofare, as outlined by markers placed under the guidance of advisers of origin by both parties, will be given Sovereignty and called Nor'Tirath, who will act as an independent vassalage to the Hierarchy of Tiorath.   -Nor'Tirath reserves the right to prevent any individual not acting as an ambassador or serving under an ambassador from moving through any area of their territory if that individual has committed a crime within Nor'Tirath's border within the last decade.
Treaty, Diplomatic

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