Marcan's Hawk Species in Talirim, the first ring | World Anvil
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Marcan's Hawk


Marcan's hawk is a species of mid-sized hawk, standing at roughly 57-61 cm tall with a wingspan of 145 cm. They have a blue-grey hue on their wings, back and tail, with a cream-white face and underbelly. Their slightly hooked beak and scaled legs have a deep grey color, and their eyes are a light brown or deep yellow. Marcan's hawk comes in two subspecies, the western and eastern varieties.     These Hawks are popular pets throughout Tor'Saarn, used as scouts, hunting companions, retrieval animals, sports animals and companion birds. The western subspecies is the most commonly kept, being domesticated in the first age by Tiorathan falconers.  

Habitat and Habits

Both Subspecies are native to the vast rainforests of west and central Tor'Saarn, with the western subspecies native to the western side of the Sethiri breaks in Seofare, and the eastern subspecies native to the rainforests of central Tor'Saarn. They nest in the spring every second or third year (depending on availability of food), laying 3-4 pale eggs and raise the chicks to adulthood (about 6 months).     They feed primarily on small birds and mammals, and nest in tree hollows just bellow the canopy to avoid larger birds of prey. They are surprisingly social, and two or three couples often share the same hunting ground as one another.  


These birds are best kept in large aviaries with uncovered east and west walls with an opaque roof, allowing them to catch both the morning and afternoon sun without being exposed to the heat of noon. These aviaries should be both wide and tall, giving the birds ample room to fly. The walls of the Aviary must be lined with living branches to serve as both perches and hiding places for startled birds.     The Hawks require a large water source for drinking and bathing, and many keepers stock these water bowls with small fish for the birds to eat at their leisure. The birds need to eat at least once, if not twice daily, and it is best to give them fresh meat. Owners must be sure to vary their diet, however, to ensure the birds continue to feed with vigor.



Animal Family:

Bird (Hawk)  


Small animals  

Regions of Habitation:

Native: Western Seofare and Central Tor'Saarn Introduced: N/A Domesticated: Seofare

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