Kabersi Species in Talirim, the first ring | World Anvil
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Kabersi (Kay-bare-see)


The Kabersi is a family of Crustaceans bearing a considerable resemblance to lobsters, although even smaller Kabersi species are much larger than the average lobster. They can be found throughout East Tor'Saarn, their range beginning just past the Carab ranges. The smaller Kabersi often serve a valued role in the diets of coastal towns dotting the lands adjacent to the Faeren Straights between mainland Tor'Saarn and the Stranded Easts due to their highly desired flavor and great nutritional value. They would likely be a common harvest throughout the east, were it not for the danger posed by many of the largest species that co-inhabit the same waters as their smaller cousins.  


The Kabersi has a physical form superficially similar to that of a lobster with a long segmented body and a narrow triangular head ending in a number of feelers. They have between 8-12 sets of legs, made up of one set forming pincers, 4 pairs forming walking legs and the final 3-7 sets of legs serving as small swimmerets that aid the creatures in swimming in their natural habitat. However the specifics of their appearance can vary greatly between both species and localized variations of the same species.   However their are a few general rules of thumb that are generally reliable when determining the sub-group the Kabersi belongs to. The currently recognised groups are:  
Clubber Kabersi
The sub-group of Kabersi commonly known as Clubbers received their name from their primary hunting strategy. This particular form of Kabersi hunts by launching it's body at high speeds towards it's prey, using it's high number of Swimmerets (typically 6-7) to guide it, before using it's over-developed club-like claws to bludgeon it's prey to death with a single swing, often dismembering them. To prevent the creatures from harming themselves during their high-speed attacks and the often traumatic collisions they cause the crustaceans have an abnormally thick semi-flexible Chiton that has proven to be excellent at absorbing oncoming impacts.   Due to the energy required to launch them forward at such high speeds most species of Clubbers are smaller than other Kabersi, with the largest species growing no longer than 128cm. However even the smaller species have proven dangerous to sentients, causing most cultures to avoid them. Fortunately for individuals who often swim in waters shared with the creatures they are easily recognizable, as every species of Clubber currently known has bright colors across its body, theorized to confuse it's prey when it moves at high speeds.  
Thunder-Snapper Kabersi
The variety of Kabersi most often called Thunder-Snappers are typically limited to the reefs around Qianna and south Bevratsen. They are widely considered to be the most dangerous form of Kabersi due to their unorthodox natural weaponry and intelligence. The weapon they are famous for, and indeed named after, takes the form of a singular massive claw that can be as long as half the creatures length, which possesses powerful closing muscles that allow the claws to slam shut at unfathomably high speeds. When the claw slams shut a burst of heat and energy is released, causing the water in front of the claw to form high-pressure jets that have been known to outperform Felsaedian blast-rods in firepower. Even an indirect strike from these blasts may prove harmful, as the heat emitted by the stream can boil the waters surrounding them.   These Kabersi are made even more dangerous by their abnormal intellectual abilities, particularly their capacity to communicate and co-ordinate. These creatures are capable of a form of communication that is almost as complex as human speech, and the creatures even go as far as pausing during another creatures 'speech' and developing their own personal tells. They communicate primarily by snapping the smaller of their two claws in specific patterns similar to spoken sounds and words in their function, and may even differ slightly between populations and species. This means of communication is effective on land as well as underwater (unlike their main weapons, that only function underwater) and allows them to form and excecute complex plans both prior to and during combat.   They can be recognized both by their large claw and their hunched, curved back. These Kabersi posses the widest variety of shapes colors and sizes, with colors ranging the known spectrum and sizes ranging from 2cm to 300cm.  

Uses and Relevance

The smaller varieties of Kabersi are edible, and are enjoyed throughout the east, albeit at great expense due to the difficulties in capturing them.



Animal Family




Preferred Biomes

Tropical waters, but some variance has been documented  

Regions of Habitation

Native: Faeren Straight Introduced: Unknown Domesticated: Unknown

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