Geography, The Poles and Seasons in Talirim, the first ring | World Anvil
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Geography, The Poles and Seasons

The size and scope of Talirim

Talirim is a large planar ring with a habitable outer edge that consists of a vast ocean broken up by at least two continents, with another possibly existing in the unexplored region. The outer edge of the ring is 9,000 Km high and has a circumference of 56,000 Km. The inner side borders the titanic realms and the outer side faces the sun, moons and outer ring.   The two continents of Talirim have a great many disparities, the greatest of which is their size. Tor'Saarn is roughly 8,000Km from top to bottom (7,896Km give or take) and is roughly 13,700Km (13,654Km give or take) from west to east. There is approximately 553km north and south of the landmass to the north and south of the continent. Far to the east is the much smaller Ravenna, which is around 1,950Km from north to south.  

The Poles

Talirim has two magnetic poles to which compasses are aligned, one in the east and one in the west. If you were to pass the west pole or east pole the compass would flip, and the poles would seem to reverse in direction. The West Pole sits a few kilometers west of the Tiorath isles off the coast of Tor'Saarn, and the East Pole sits north of Ravenna, and splits the nation starting roughly three quarters across the nations north coast.  

Climates and Seasons

Talirim has a ring that bends lightly outward, creating a difference in climate north and south of the centre. The raised centre of the ring, called the Climate Equator, is the warmest part of the ring, and the north and south are far colder.   The ring has seasons which are governed by the pull of the Titan Realms causing the poles to slowly be pulled inward and pushed outward in turns. For half the year the Western Pole is pulled inward and away from the sun pushing the East Pole outward, and these roles are reversed for the other half of the year. Because of this the pole being pushed outward experiences spring and then summer, while the pole being pulled inward experiences autumn and then winter.   Due to the hemispheres typically being the closest or furthest from the sun seasons vary to a much greater extent than the middle of the rings (which see little variance). The 14,000km point between each pole experiences no direct seasonal changes, and makes up the Seasonal Equator. Tiorath experiences the most volatile seasons in Tor'Saarn as it borders the Western Pole, whereas Bevrasten experiences only soft seasonal changes as it is only 300Km from the Seasonal Equator.

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