Celcene Seltien Ethnicity in Talirim, the first ring | World Anvil
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Celcene Seltien


The Celcene Seltien are the second most populace ethnicity of the Seltien, and if hybrids are included they may even outnumber the Herost Seltien. They are extroverted and kind, and are almost always the center of attention.  

Physical Description

Celcene-Seltien are the most varied in appearance of the Seltien, and are almost always accepted as the most beautiful (It is speculated by scholars that they may have helped form many of the human and near human standards of beauty, as their extroverted and friendly personalities often made them the center of attention in many scenarios). They have taller builds (but lower heights) than other members of their species, and usually stand a fair few centimeters shorter than the average human. They not only share any possible human skin color, but on rare occasions possess a few shades of light pink, red and blue. Their eyes are brighter than their kin, being clear and bright with a slight sheen. Much like their skin variation, Celene-Seltien have a greater range of eye colors, including purple, orange, yellow pink and even crimson.   They posses the same crystalline protrusions as their Herost-Seltien kin, however their horns sweep behind their head and curve upward more sharply. Their horns are larger and longer, stopping short of preventing their head from touching the ground.

Psychological Description

The Seltien of the former kingdom of Celcene are jovial by nature, and this is heavily reflected by their exploits. They respect kindness to an extreme that nearly matches the Kiari, and are particularly fond of helping the needy.   They are as at home amongst drunken revelry as they are at a cultured diner or art exhibit, drinking up the excitement and culture of others. They are drawn to the charismatic, the cultured and the artistic. Their periods of exploration and meditation are far more erratic, the only consistency being they spend much less time meditating when compared the other varieties of Seltien. They are more likely to make their home with other races, and hybrids with Celcene-Seltien and other humanoids are somewhat common.  

Range of Habitation

Hyeros, Melnir  

Cultural Basics

The Seltien believe in hospitality, and often settle for a few months at a time at the most lavish location they can afford. They do not live in this place solely for their own good, and they quickly set out to befriend members of both high and low society, using their homes as a place of societies most artistic or fun loving individuals to mingle.   Their interactions with other races lead them to be the most positively viewed amongst other cultures, and their charisma draws people of all lifestyles to them. In settlements with high populations of Celcene Seltien festivals held by them are common, and are centers of both culture and revelry worthy to be remembered through the ages.  


After the destruction of the kingdom of Celcene, the Celcene Seltien were often taken as slaves by the Tiorathan empire. However unlike their kin the Herost Seltien who made up the majority of the Tiorathan slave army, they were seldom put to use by the state. Instead they were used as a means of gaining the funds required to conquer central and eastern Tor'Saarn. They were sold to wealthy individuals within the empire, and due to their high numbers, varied appearances and remarkable personalities they were the most popular slave race of Tiorath. Although they have long since been freed as a people (as the Tiorathan Hierarchy has banned slavery) bad blood still exists between them and their former masters.  

Advanced Physiology

Skeletal and Muscular Structures Nearly identical to the Herost Seltien, albeit more narrow.   Diet Similar to humans, however they often seek food of higher quality and variety.   Miscellaneous They posses the same grounding ability as the Herost Seltien, however it is often weaker in the wilds where few live, but stronger when the individual grounds themselves near large deposits of positive or artistic energy, such as art studios or festival grounds.

Arrival in Tor'Saarn


Parental god


Worshipped gods


Native regions

Celcene, Melnir  


400 years  


Shy of Human height  



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