Alephkar in Talirim, the first ring | World Anvil
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The Alephkar are not a true Pantheon in the conventional sense, but are a collection of 'identities' that act as enforcers for some unknown law. There is no fixed number of Alephkar as they come and go, appearing and disappearing suddenly like the Titans of the Titan-Minds. However unlike the Titans they do seem to have some sense of permanence. Each Alephkar that appears is a manifestation of the Alephkaril, concepts that govern the behavior, appearance and capabilities of a manifesting Alephkar.   An Alephkar appears when the criteria of an Alephkaril are met, and each Alephkaril has it's own (often not entirely understood) criteria for summoning a manifestation. If multiple conditions are met one of two things may happen. Most often two separate manifestations appear, however if the same force would meet both criteria, and any parties effected would in union meet all perceptive conditions of both they may appear as one hybrid entity with both features.   The Alephkar have no opinions on the goings on in the world and will only act if the criteria to summon one is met, and only act until its purpose is fulfilled. They have never been summoned by the actions of mortals, and were rare even during the Astral crusades. An Alephkar, when engaged in conflict has not been defeated yet, and their wrath only assuaged on the rarest of occasions when they were disengaged (and any actions that may have summoned them were stopped and reversed).

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