Tezledek Species in Talifar | World Anvil


Bowmark watched sunlight dapple and dazzle through branches and leaves. What Scolla said sounded foolish. Ah, truth, Scolla was insane. What advice could he believe? His hope staggered. “Scolla. Humans don’t look at you, and you’re afraid to be seen riding a mulig alone. How is it your people rule the world?”   “Quietly.”   Bowmark laughed weakly. “So quietly, no one knows it but you.”   “It is best that way.”

Basic Information


They are short, stout, black leathery beings that can curl up into a lump. They have 4 stumpy legs and long arms. They can extrude webbing from their hands and can defend themselves by spitting noxious venom or swelling up like a needle blowfish.

Ecology and Habitats

Originally evolved as parasites, then symbiotic cleaners for majismontem. Eventually they were uplifted to sentience.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Tezledek require food to be pre-digested. In other words they eat excrement. They can eat rotted food in a pinch, but not too much of it.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Tezledeks use other species as food processors. They mainly live with humans and majismontem. Most humans don't know that Tezledek are sentient, and see them mainly as a convenient sewage system. Majismontem utilize them for grooming and decoration. The Tezledek revere majismontem, as their biological history is so intimately entwined, and happly groom and decorate the giant creatures.

Average Intelligence


Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They see the UV spectrum and have excellent vision in darkness.
Arrived with the majismontem
Average Height
.7 meters
Average Weight
13 kg
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dark brown or blue and black. They have various patterns in UV, invisible to most other species.

Cover image: Scolla by Josh Foreman
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