Fortressian Ethnicity in Talica | World Anvil
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Fortressians are the humans that inhabit Fortressia. Usually, you can expect them to be slightly unbearable and arrogant, especially if you are not yourself from Fortressia. This stems from the known effect that a capital, regardless of the world it is in, always makes its inhabitants self-important.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Lucretia, Helenna, Caecilia, Camilia, Valeria

Masculine names

Robertus, Sergius, Argus, Sphaerio, Petrus

Family names

Most people do not have surnames in Talica. Powerful Fortressian families, however, have the Perpetum surname, or Emberhand, or Tridentslam.   Orphans, however, in their own institutions, are granted the Belran surname.

Other names

Fortressians prefer giving objects the same treatment their surnames and cities usually get, which means joining two different words in one. The first example of this was Tiberius I's acquired surname: Emberhand.


Major language groups and dialects

The Imperial Tongue is almost mandatorily spoken in Fortressia

Culture and cultural heritage

Fortressians are primarily craftsmen, farmers and sailors, and only a select few actually hunt. Their smithing and architecture does not content itself with function alone, and they always take a chance to embellish their creations in any way possible.

Shared customary codes and values

Lawful by nature, Fortressians like order and organization, so much in fact they have happily adopted the bureaucratic measures that their empire has pushed forward over the years. A Fortressian is expected to be disciplined and dutiful.

Average technological level

Fortressia might be the leading technological powerhouse in the continent, slowing advancing thanks to its connection to the technologically superior goblins. It has, however, been surpassed ever since the latter have discovered Talica.

Common Etiquette rules

Fortressians generally call each other by Mr. or Miss. Sir and master are also employed if people are adressing their bosses. Legionaries and military officers also expect some respect from the people they serve. An occasional drink doesn't hurt either.

Common Dress code

Soldiers are expected to march on the streets in their uniforms at all times, regardless of their branch. Civilians get a bit more freedom, but still some rules apply. What once started as a cultural battle against orcs ended up in a society that frowns upon anyone being naked on either half of the body.

Art & Architecture

Most Fortressian expression is made in the shape of godly statues carved out of marble. Each Emperor has had his own statue made in their finest hour (usually after they died). Architecture shares this similar tradition, as pale buildings are favored by the populace and generally embellished with far more enthusiasm than granite ones.

Common Taboos

Historical revisionism is a particular no-no in Fortressia. In fact, it may be best not to touch on any history at all. Declaring that a former Emperor was a bad ruler might shock some people into calling the Legion to settle things. Things become taboos for a reason.

Common Myths and Legends

The Burning Blade of Tiberius I is a revered icon of the beginning of human supremacy, and its presence is ever so prominent in the capital city. While attempts at rebuilding such a legendary weapon have never been successful, humans thoroughly believe one day another one will be crafted, and with it, a new invasion shall be repelled. Ambitious smiths don't ignore this prophecy.

Historical figures

Tiberius I, Tacitus, Darius II, Eva Tridentslam, Celius I


Beauty Ideals

Fortressian men are usually expected to be strong-looking and women are expected to be slim and delicate. They like the exotic green or blue eyes commonly found in easterners and northerners respectively. Most of them do not find other races beautiful at all.

Gender Ideals

Fortressians have grown quite liberal with what each gender can do. Although women still have certain expectations from society, they already have the power to spit on them all and joining the Legion if they want to. In fact, the Emberhand dynasty had its share of Empresses who managed to rule without too great an opposition.

Major organizations

Fortressia cannot be mentioned without bringing up the Legion as well. Along with it, the Dragonslayers, Naksi's clan and the Holy Servants are all also ruled by Fortressians.
Related Organizations
Related Locations

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