Ice Mountains Geographic Location in Tales of Tellus | World Anvil

Ice Mountains

The Ice Mountains to the north of Tellus are one of the most impressive magical locations of the realm. The peak of the mountains itself seemed to have been made not of stone, but of frozen solid ice, just as the top of many other surrounding mountains. The source of the magic that made it is still unknown and most stories of old cultures state how this place is of great supernatural importance.

A small village exists in the shadow of the majestic mountain range. It's a quiet little place where time seems to stand still. There is a temple on the edge of town that holds the worshipers of the goddess of the mountain. A statue of the goddess is erected at the top of the mountain and her followers gather there every day to pray for her well-being. The people who live here have known about the existence of the temple since they were young children.

They've seen the priestesses of the temple come down from the mountain once or twice a year and they're told to keep their distance in respect. The temple has never done anything but look after the town and its people so the villagers don't pay much attention to fear mongering rumors regarding the priestesses.

The name of the village is Harlon. It's a quaint village with little more than a few hundred inhabitants. The people there live simple lives tending to their farms and taking care of their families. The villagers know the temple is there, but they don't really care about what goes on inside of it. So long as the temple doesn't bother them and does no harm, then the people will leave it alone. But nothing stays hidden forever and rumors do spread. After all, there are always some who feel the need to gossip about things they hear.

Desert, Ice